Someone asks if they can come to church with you, what do you say?
You find something spiritually uplifting online, what do you do?
Drop a like and don't forget to subscribe :)
Also post it/share it
Is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints a cult?
No we are not a cult, we are a Christian church.
Where do Elder Carlisle and Elder Jefferies come from?
What is the best place on earth, the holiest of all holies, Brigham Youngs promised land? (aka Utah)
If someone asks what you did over the weekend, what should you not be afraid to tell?
You went to church or church activities.
Someone online wants to learn more about what you believe in, what do you do?
Share what you know and let the missionaries know
Its okay to not know something. Ask your parents, leaders, and fellow misionarios
Why can't you guys drink coffee/tea?
God has commanded us to live by the Word of Wisdom. It keeps us healthy and stay free from addictions.
Where does Elder Sutton come from?
What are Potatoes? (I-da-ho)
How do be bold and have courage when sharing the gospel?
Pray for confidence
Pray for others and the spirit will guide you
Living gospel standards IS NOT something to be ashamed about
How can I be an example online?
Don't be mean, be nice (Its easy to be mean online)
Don't share/engage in inappropriate content
Your profile should invite the spirit
Follow church leaders and stuff
Who was the second Prophet?
Brigham Young
On a scale of 0-100, what is the combined age of all 3 of us missionaries?
What is 57? (we're all 19:)
How can I share the Book of Mormon?
Memorize good scriptures
Download the app / keep it strapped
Be bold
Understand the background of it
Your friends believe different than you and post their personal beliefs, what should you do?
Respect them, treat them the way you want to be treated
Don't try to convince them they are wrong
Find similar beliefs/common ground and don't unfollow them (unless its inappropriate)
You guys aren't Christian, you're Mormon!
(ps. we're not Mormon, we're members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints)
Everything we do is centered around Christ. We named the church after Him. We believe in Christ and that He suffered for our sins, and that through him all might be saved.
Why do you think it was inevitable that the industrial revolution complex would lead to mass worldwide unemployment?
What is one of the best way to teach others?
Leading by example, be kind to others
standing up for what you believe in
Live what you preach, Book of Mormon
Be in a place where you can feel the spirit
Someone tries to destroy your beliefs and shares false information, what do you do?
Hold onto your faith
Block if necessary
Share what you know but don't encourage a harmful/contentious conversation.
Bear your testimony
Talk to leaders about your questions
When was the church organized?
You want 500 free points?
How do you say "no thanks, that is cheating"?