Missionary Work
Church History
Church doctrine
Scripture Missionary's
Church Presidents

What is the typical duration of an LDS missionary's service

18 Months, Or 2 years.

Brigham Young led the early Members to settle in this U.S. state.



 this is the term for a place or state of existence between death and resurrection.

The spirit World.


According to the Book of Mormon, which prophet was commanded to leave Jerusalem and lead a group of people to the Americas



Which Church President was responsible for the construction of the Salt Lake Temple and served during the pioneer migration to the Salt Lake Valley?

Brigham Young


Approximately how many members were baptized in 2022

250,000 members were baptized. (give a little bit of leniency) 


 This event in LDS Church history is commemorated annually by members on July 24th.

Pioneer day.


 According to LDS doctrine, this is the purpose of life on Earth.

to gain a body and experience mortality


In the New Testament, which apostle is known for his extensive missionary journeys, spreading the teachings of Jesus in various regions

The Apostle Paul.


Who served as President of the Church during the time when the revelation on the Word of Wisdom was officially added to the Doctrine and Covenants?

Lorenzo Snow.


In which country did the first LDS missionaries officially proselytize outside of the United States.

The United Kingdom


Who restored the Melchizedek priesthood to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery? 

Peter, James, and John


 What event is considered the beginning of the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ, as believed by members of the LDS Church?

the First Vision, in which Joseph Smith reported seeing God the Father and Jesus Christ, leading to the restoration of essential truths and authority


This Book of Mormon prophet, known for his military leadership, was also a powerful missionary who converted many through his teachings.



 Who served as the President of the Church during the construction of the iconic Salt Lake City Tabernacle and the completion of the First Transcontinental Railroad?

John Taylor


How can local members actively support missionaries in their efforts to share the gospel?

providing referrals of friends or family who may be interested, participating in joint teaching opportunities, and offering hospitality and fellowship


What Year Was Joseph Smith Born



According to the Plan of Salvation, what are the three degrees of glory and the characteristics associated with each?

he Celestial, Terrestrial, and Telestial Kingdoms, representing varying degrees of glory based on individuals' faithfulness and choices


What Book of Mormon prophet is known for his mission to the Jaredites, a group that came to the Americas before the Nephites?

The Prophet Ether.

Which Church President is known for receiving and publishing the document known as the "Manifesto," officially ending the practice of polygamy in the Church?

Wilford Woodruff


The first LDS missionaries arrived in this South American country in 1925, marking the beginning of missionary work on the continent.



What year did joseph smith die?



what is the doctrine of eternal progression, and how does it shape the understanding of human potential?

the belief that individuals have the potential to become like God through faithfulness, obedience, and progression in knowledge and virtue.


In the Bible, Jesus instructs his disciples to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This directive is commonly known as what?

The great comission


Who served as the President of the Church during the challenging period of the Great Depression and World War II?

Heber J. Grant