The boog boog brewing
Harl Territory
mom and west moving
Harl vs Dadum
War of the dadum

One of the most important Supreme Court (SCOTUS) decisions in US history

What is Dred Scott?


The law that created the territory of Mississippi

What is the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?


President Thomas Jefferson decided to send representatives to France to offer Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte $10 million for this city on behalf of the United States.

What is New Olreans?


This area of the United States was Industrial and is where goods were produced. 

Where is the North?


The War of 1812 brought two world superpowers together for an all out brawl that ended in 1815. 

Who is the United States and England?


Led a raid on the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, VA.

Who is John Brown?


The original capital of Mississippi, before it was moved to Washington, MS in 1802.

What is Natchez, MS?


President Jefferson technically had no constitutional authority as president to authorize this purchase. The most successful real estate deal in United States History. 

What is the Louisiana Purchase?


This area of the United States was heavily influenced by agriculture and the owning of slaves. 

Where is the South?


During the War of 1812 it was this type of war that dominated the Mississippi Territory.

What is Indian War?


Following the Dred Scott decision and John Brown’s raid they were tired of compromises. 

Who is Americans?


Named for President Thomas Jefferson. Located in Washington, Mississippi. Established in 1802, 1st state-sponsored college in MS

What is Jefferson College?


The struggle between France and the United States over access to this river began the conversations for the purchase of the Louisiana Territory by Thomas Jefferson. 

What is the Mississippi River?


In the South. Aristocrats lived in big, white mansions. They became the economic and social model for other white Mississippians thanks to this crop. 

What is King Cotton?


On March 27, 1814– this General defeated the Creek Nation at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend.

Who is Andrew Jackson?


After Dred Scot lost his case. The Supreme Court ruling meant this document was no longer useful. 

What is The Missouri Compromise?


Nation’s first female college. Located in Washington, MS. Founded in 1818

What is Elizabeth Female Academy?


 This law meant states were added in pairs (one free, one slave). 

What is the Missouri Compromise of 1820?


As regions developed different customs, traditions, and economic interests. They then began to have an allegiance to local, rather than national, interests. 

What is Sectionalism?


This battle took place January 8, 1815 after the War of 1812 was officially over.

What is Battle of New Orleans?


In an effort to answer the debate on the issue of slavery. The Missouri Compromise drew an invisible line separating the North and the South. Where slavery would be abolished above the line and allowed below the line. It also allowed these two states to join the United States. 

Who is Missouri and Maine?


Also known as the “Devil’s Backbone”

What is the Natchez Trace?


In the early 1850s, groups of southern politicians made inflammatory speeches across the South to persuade people that secession was necessary to maintain the Southern way of life

Who were Fire Eaters?


This tax placed on manufactured goods that are imported from other countries helped the North but caused great anger for Southern farmers. 

What is the Protective Tariff?


Choctaw chief who became famous during the Creek War He led the Choctaw and Chickasaw into battle under the US flag alongside Jackson. He became ill with pneumonia while visiting Washington DC in 1824. Asked for the “big guns” to be fired over him when he died. He was buried with full military honors including the big guns.

Who is Pushmataha?