Course Numbers
Notable Alumni/Professors
Fun Facts

Course 6

What is Electrical Engineering and Computer Science?


Once every four years on this date, Random Hall celebrates it's birthday by pulling a hack, often in Lobby 7 or on the Little Dome

What is February 29th?


This dorm is the only one that has restrictions on the gender of it's occupants.

What is McCormick Hall?


This Nobel prize laureate graduated from MIT with a degree in physics in 1939

Who is Richard Feynman?


The MIT beaver mascot was named Tim in the 90's for this clever reason

What is Tim is MIT spelled backwards?


Course 2

What is Mecanical Engineering?


In 2012, a group of hackers used LEDs turned the rectangular windows of the Green Building into a giant version of this popular video game

What is Tetris?


This dorm is currently closed for renovations, but is scheduled to reopen for the 2025-2026 school year

What is East Campus?


This prominent Israeli politician earned his bachelor's degree in architecture from MIT in just 2.5 years.

Who is Benjamin Netanyahu?


MIT was founded two days before the start of this war

What is the American Civil War?


Course 8

What is Physics?


In 1994, MIT hackers placed one of these vehicles on top of the Great Dome, leaving a finishing touch of a box of donuts in the front seat

What is a police car?


This dorm is the furthest from Lobby 7

What is Next House?


This (now-deceased) linguistics progessor is most known for his work on syntax.

Who is Noam Chomsky?


Students that complete pistol shooting, fencing, sailing, and archery PE classes earn this kind of special certificate

What is a Pirate's License?


Course 9

What is Brain and Cognitive Sciences?


In 2006, posing as the Howe and Ser Moving Company, hackers at MIT pulled an explosive prank by stealing this object from Caltech

What is a cannon?


This dorm is mostly known for housing a lot of student athletes

What is Baker House?


This MIT graduate, who now has a dorm named after her, was critical in the development of birth control

Who is Katharine McCormick?


This phrase, Latin for "mind and hand," is MIT's motto

What is "mens et manus"?


Course 11

What is Urban Studies and Planning?


In 2005, a sunken pirate ship and tombstones were depicted on Kresge Lawn to commemorate the demise of course 13, also known as this major, which was being merged with the Mechanical Engineering department

What is course 13?


This dorm closed in 2013 officially due to being too expensive to renovate, but unofficially because of allegations of students cooking hard drugs there

What is Bexley Hall?


This YouTube channel with over 3 million subscribers allows an MIT alumni to bring physics news, demonstrations, and more to people everywhere. (Either the name of the YouTube channel or the first name of the alumni are sufficient to answer this question)

Who is Dianna Cowern/Physics Girl?


MIT holds 3,781 active patents, and is second only to this system of universities in total institutional utility patents.

What is the University of California?