Professional Conduct
Climate & Culture
Teaching & Learning
True/False (Explain)

These copiers are available for staff use.

What are the copiers assigned to staff on each floor?

*Note: Staff should NOT use the main office copier


This is where scholars will eat breakfast.

What is the cafeteria?

K-3 will eat in the cafeteria from 8:15-8:30

4-8 will eat in the cafeteria from 7:50-8:10

Lesson Plans are generally due on this day and time.

When is Fridays at 9am?


I am running a little late, so I can clock in on time from the Kronos App from my car.

What is False?

All Mitchell staff (with the exception of the custodial team) must clock-in using the Kronos machine in the main office: Do not clock in or out  using online services.  If you are running late, contact the school immediately at 215-400-7880 and relay your estimated time of arrival.


This procedure must be followed for staff leaving the building for lunch.

What is signing in and out in the log book in the main office in real time?


These are times when teachers should call home.

When are: a) first week of school, b) challenging classroom behaviors, and c) student earning a D or F?


Teachers should have this amount of emergency lesson plans on file with the school beginning the end of the first week of each marking period.

What is five (5) days worth of plans?

Emergency lesson plans must be turned into the closets in room 111/112  no later than the end of the first week in each reporting period (quarter). Emergency lesson plans should be updated and replenished when they have been expended.

Emergency lesson plans must include a seating chart and class list for each class period taught, as well as include instructions for the substitute teacher.


I already told someone at work verbally that I will be absent tomorrow, so I don't need to put anything in Frontline.

What is False?

Failure to notify the school will result in being coded F61 (Unauthorized Leave without Pay).  Absences must also be reported to the District’s substitute service vendor. Staffing’s telephone or web-based application, known as FrontLine Education Absence Management (formerly AESOP) as early as the need for an absence is known by the employee. Note that your absence is not recorded until you receive a confirmation number.


Staff are should check email a minimum of...

What is twice per day?

Staff are responsible for all information communicated via email


Teachers should do this to report student issues to counselors

What is fill out the Counselor Referral Form?


Teachers should have how many assignments in the test category in their gradebook for each marking period?

What is a minimum of three?


A student in my class won't stop making cat noises while I am trying to teach.  Since they won't stop, I can put them in the hallway until they are ready to act right.

What is False?

Placing students in the halls or out of the direct supervision of an adult is prohibited.  Teachers are responsible for students at all times.  Students may not stand in the hallways or other areas unsupervised for any reason whatsoever.  This policy will be strictly enforced.  If a student exits your room without permission, call the main office immediately.


Staff must do this with their mailboxes.

What is empty your mailbox daily?


These behavior infractions are considered by SDP to be "Classroom Managed Behaviors - Minors."

What are:

  1. Profanity/Name Calling
  2. Disruptive Classroom Behavior
  3. Cheating
  4. Class Cutting/Elopement

Students with this grade need to return their signed interim report to their homeroom teacher.

What is a <70 average?


A student told me that another student in class has sexualized content on their phone.  I should pull the other student aside and confiscate their phone to verify whether this is true.

What is False?

If a student reports having, reports a peer has, is viewed showing or you suspect has sexualized content such as a video, photo, etc... or a phone, laptop, etc… strictly follow below immediately...

  • do NOT ask to see or review the content

  • immediately contact SSO Washington 

  • Do not discuss or ask questions of students - do not discuss with colleagues - do not contact parents

  • SSO Washington will pick up the student(s) and collect any electronic devices, etc…

  • if SSO Washington is not available - contact Principal Dunn. or Dr. Minken


This procedure must be followed when staff are absent from work.

What is enter your absence in Frontline AND contact the school by telephone at 215.400.7880 by no later than 6:30 am (Leave a message)?

NOTE:  Texting a colleague does not suffice as official documentation for reporting an absence.


These are the expectations when staff witnesses or suspects child abuse.

What is make a referral to ChildLine?

Mandated reporters must make an immediate and direct report of suspected child abuse to ChildLine either electronically at or by calling 1-800-932-0313.  Mitchell NOTE:  You are welcome to connect with Ms. Dunn. and/or Dr. Minken anytime (24 hours a day- seven days a week) for support filing a report to ChildLine.  


This should be displayed on teachers' Data Walls.

What is STAR Reading and Math Levels?


A student tells me about a situation that could indicate child abuse at 2:55pm. Since this is after contract hours, I can wait until tomorrow to follow up and make a ChildLine report.

What is False?

A mandated reporter must make a report of suspected child abuse if they have reasonable cause to suspect that a child is a victim of child abuse under any of the following circumstances: 

  • The mandated reporter comes into contact with the child in the course of employment, occupation and practice of a profession or through a regularly scheduled program, activity or service.

  • The mandated reporter is directly responsible for the care, supervision, guidance or training of the child, or is affiliated with an agency, institution, organization, school, regularly established church or religious organization or other entity that is directly responsible for the care, supervision, guidance or training of the child.

  • A person makes a specific disclosure to the mandated reporter that an identifiable child is the victim of child abuse. This specific circumstance includes when a mandated reporter is "on" or "off" the clock.  

  • An individual 14 years of age or older makes a specific disclosure to the mandated reporter that the individual has committed child abuse.