During the meeting we discussed our next steps to the marketing plan.

Where is the comma supposed to be at?

The comma is supposed to be after "During the meeting" 

"During the meeting" would be considered an introductory phrase. All introductory phrases/words/clauses need a comma at the end.


True or False: 

A sentence can only have one dependent clause.


sentences can have multiple dependent clauses for example: "Although it was raining and because I was tired, I decided to stay home."


What is the definition of objective

Objective: not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.

Example: The reporter wrote the article with being objective, focusing only on the facts.


What does deficiency mean?

Deficiency: Lack of shortage.

Example sentence: Billy has to take vitamins for his calcium deficiency.


What is the definition of nuance?

Nuance: a subtle difference in or shade of meaning, expression, or sound.

Example: Her painting captures the subtle nuances of light at dawn.


What is an antonym of fastidious?

ONE WORD NOT multiple. 

Carefree, lazy, sloppy. careless, messy, disorganized. 

Any words that fit the answer that I haven't listed will also count.


Identify the run-on sentence:

  1. I enjoy hiking in the mountains it helps me relax.
  2. The dog barked loudly at the mailman.
  3. She loves to cook and bake for her friends.
  4. We went to the beach and had a great time.

The run on sentence is: "I enjoy hiking in the mountains it helps me relax"


We need to buy the following apples, bread, milk, and eggs.

which punctuation is mission and where should it be located?

A colon should be present in this sentence and it should be after "We need the buy the following".

A colon is a punctuation mark used to introduce a list, quote, or explanation.


A group of words that can stand alone and makes sense on its own.

What is an independent clause?

An independent clause is a group of words that has a subject and a verb and can stand alone as a complete sentence.


This clause cannot stand alone and depends on an independent clause to make sense.

Dependent clause cannot stand alone and dependent  on an independent clauses to make sense.


Is the following sentence a fragment or a run-on?:

 "After the movie ended we went out for ice cream."

The sentence is a run-on sentence. 

Definition: A run-on sentence is when two complete thoughts are joined together without the right punctuation.


This type of sentence puts two complete thoughts together without proper punctuation.

A run-on sentence.

Example: I love to read I have so many books.


Do you add a comma to an essential phrase/clause?


Non essential phrases/clauses are the ones that need to be set off by a comma. Essential phrases/clauses provide context needed to understand and make sense of the text. Non-essential are unnecessary pieces of information added.   


What can be used to connect two independent clauses that are related in context?

A semicolon has the ability to connect two independent clauses that are related in context.

A semicolon is a punctuation mark used to connect closely related independent clauses or to separate items in a complex list.


The witness's testimony contradicts the video evidence presented in the case.

Is the witness helping his case or making it worse? 

The witness is making his case worse.

Contradict: deny the truth of (a statement) by asserting the opposite.


The following is a Fragment Sentence:

"Because I didn't go to the baby shower."

True or false


Fragment sentences are missing either its subject or its main verb


Sanchez went to check his bank account after he got a notification that he got sent money. He couldn't believe his eyes. Sanchez's jaw dropped after seeing that he was sent 100,000,000 dollars by a anonymous user.

What vocab word best describes Sanchez's donation?

Hint: Vocab set 5

Sanchez's donation would be considered inconceivable.

Inconceivable: impossible to imagine or believe.


Trees in a forest would be considered which vocab word?

Trees in a forest would be considered "ubiquitous"

Ubiquitous: Present, appearing, or found everywhere


After the movie, I went home. 

Which part of the sentence is the dependent clause?

"After the movie" would be the dependent clause.

Dependent clauses don't have a complete thought in them. 


Which of the following is a fragment:

 "After the storm passed" or "The sun came out"?

"After the storm passed" would be the fragment sentence.

Fragment sentences are missing either its subject or its main verb


What is the definition of intricate?

Intricate: Very complicated or detailed.

Example: The necklace features an intricate design.


"Someone who is an expert at in math could be considered to have ____ in the subject"

They would be an expertise in the subject.

Expertise: Expert skill or knowledge in a particular field.


Use a comma and one of the FANBOYS to make a       (             ) sentence.

What type of sentence is going to be made?

Use a comma and one of the FANBOYS to make a Compound sentence.

A compound sentence has two or more complete ideas joined by a conjunction or a semicolon.


What must complex sentences include?

(HINT: Although, As, Because, Only if, ETC).

Subordinating conjunctions

Dependent clauses start with words like "although." These words are known as Subordinating conjunctions meaning that they are words that join two clauses together. 


The knights of the kingdom showed their utmost loyalty towards the king. 

Which vocab word best describes this scenario? 

The vocab word is staunch 

Staunch: loyal and committed in attitude.