Bein Adam L'Makom
Bein Adam L'Chavero
Shabbat & Holidays
Ritual Objects

Famous Jewish prayer that declares belief in one G-D; often said before bed, in the morning, taking the Torah out

What is the mitzvah of saying shema?


Giving money, food, clothes, etc. to those in need

What is the mitzvah of giving tzedakah?

Being grateful for the food we eat, reminding ourselves of what we are putting in our bodies and how it was given to us

what is the mitzvah of saying brachot before we eat/drink?


on hanukkah we spread light and the miracle through this object

what is the mitzvah of lighting the menorah/candles?

This small scroll is placed on each doorpost of a jewish home; you kiss it every time you walk past it

what is the mitzvah of hanging and kissing a mezuzah?
The commandment to keep this day holier than others

What is the mitzvah of Shomrim Shabbat?


Visiting someone who is sick, bringing them food, or offering any type of assistance. 

What is the mitzvah of Bikkur Cholim?


Being kind, not holding grudges, allowing for second chances and forgiving mistakes

What is the mitzvah of forgiving others?


The holiday requiring we eat unleavened bread instead of risen/yeast baked goods, cleaning the home for this type of food

What is the mitzvah of celebrating passover by cleaning our homes of chametz


A head covering worn during prayer or all the time by some jews

what is the mitzvah of wearing a kippah?


Eating only animals that chew their own cud, half split hooves, and are not bottom feeders or shellfish

What is the mitzvah of keeping kashrut?


refraining from speaking badly about others, not partaking in gossip, keeping negative opinions to yourself

what is the mitzvah of not doing lashon hara?

the torah says we must not waste or destroy useful things

What is bal Tashchit?


Reading a book that is not the torah but includes the story of a king, queen, and attempted assault on all the Jews

What is the mitzvah of reading the Megillah (esther) on Purim?


a prayer shawl worn only during morning prayers

what is the mitzvah of wearing a tallit?


The obligation to hear the shofar on the celebration of the beginning of the new Jewish year and other celebrations

What is the mitzvah of hearing the shofar?


Welcoming guests into our homes, inviting them for a meal or shabbat, hosting and accommodating.

What is the mitzvah of Hachnasat Orchim>


Respecting our parents is one of the 10 commandments

What is the mitzvah of honoring your father and mother?


A holiday that celebrates the giving on the Torah, usually including large dancing ceremonies

What is the mitzvah of celebrating Simchat Torah and Shavuot


The small leather boxes with torah scrolls inside, worn on the same arm and head

what is the mitzvah of wearing/wrapping tefillin?


The mitzvah of fasting on our day of atonement to try to be forgiven for our wrong-doings

what is the mitzvah of yom kippur fasting?


Returning a lost object, finding the rightful owner of something

What is the mitzvah of Hashavat Aveida?


The teaching of improving the world, being able to leave things better than how we find them, being able to elevate our sacred spaces

what is the mitzvah of tikkun olam?


a holiday where we sit in a temporary hut; should have three walls and a roof you can see stars through; supposed to have meals in the hut

What is the mitzvah of celebrating sukkot and sitting in the sukkah?


This special cup is used to bless wine or grape juice on shabbat at dinner

what is the mitzvah of blessing wine through a kiddush cup?