Fruits and Wedgies
Nursery Rhymes
Name that Tune
Fast Food
The Ocean

The type of plant a banana is (HINT: NOT a fruit)

What is a berry?


The first English-written nursery ryhme...

A) Humpty Dumpty

B) Tom Thumb

C) Mary had a Little Lamb

What is Tom Thumb?


Name the song that these lyrics go to...

"No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teachers leave them kids alone"

What is Another Brick in the Wall?


The Fast Food restaurant that says this...

"Have it your Way"

What is Burger King?


The percentage of Earth taken up by water

What is 70%? FACT: 90% of all animal life lives in the water!


The most popular type of fruit

What is a tomato?


This nursery rhyme was Thomas Eddison's first recording on his phonograph...

A) Mary had a Little Lamb

B) London Bridge is Falling Down

C) Hickory Dickory Dock

What is Mary had a Little Lamb?


Name the song that has the following lyrics...

"I can't use it anymore. It's getting dark, too dark to see."

What is Knockin' on Heaven's Door?


The Fast Food Restaurant that says this...

"Eat Fresh"

What is Subway?


About this much of the US lies beneath the water...

A) 20%

B) 80%

C) 50%

What is 50%? FACT: There is an ice sheet that is wider than the United States!


The 2 things that you are supposed to look for in a good watermelon

What is look for a yellow spot and make sure it is heavy


The race of Mother Goose...

A) German

B) American

C) French

D) Mexican

What is French?


This song has these words...

"And though my love is rare, And though my love is true"

What is I'm Like a Bird?


"It's way better than fast food. It's ______'s!"

What is Wendy's?


The largest ocean...

(HINT: there are 4 oceans)

What is the Pacific Ocean? FACT: This ocean is longer than the moon!



Carrots help improve your eyes so you can see better at night

What is FALSE?


What name fills in the blanks...

_____ be nimble, _____ be quick

_____ jump over...

What is Jack?


This unique song says these words...

"When you were young and your heart Was an open book"

What is Live or Let Die?


This fast food restaurant owns about 2,300 places around the world

What is Chick-Fil-A?


Water at the bottom of the ocean is...

A) Freezing Cold

B) Warm/Comfortable

C) Extremely Hot

What is extremely hot? FACT: The pressure at the bottom of the ocean could crush you like a grape!


The first vegetable to grow in space

What is the potato?


Fill in the blank...

Papa's gonna buy you a mockingbird. And if that mockingbird won't sing, Papa's gonna buy you a diamond ring. And if that diamond ring turns to ________.

What is Brass?


This song starts with the following lyrics...

"Heading down south to the land of the pines
I'm thumbing my way into North Caroline
Staring up the road and pray to God I see headlights"

What is Wagon Wheel?


Name 4 fast food places

What is Chick-Fil-A, Whataburger, Burger-King, Taco Bell, McDonald's, Schlotzky's, etc.?


Tsunamis can travel up to...

A) 100 miles per hour

B) 500 miles per hour

C) 740 miles per hour

D) 800 miles per hour

What is 500 miles per hour? FACT: In 1958, the largest recorded tsunami was an estimated 1720 feet high!