what colors are all kinds of bear
Brown white black
what kind of streets do ghosts haunt
Dead ends🤣🤣🤣
i am red i am cute i am a red ppppp
red panda
what occurs once in a minute twice in a moment but never in one thousand years
the letter M
who is our music teacher spell it correct
Miss bouffard
What are wolf colers
White gray black brown
what did the traffic light say to the other
stop looking im changing🤣🤣🤣
its white it big most people are scared of what am i
a white bear
what has a face and hands but no arms or legs
a coin
who is the the principal
Miss Mukai
what colors are mammoths
dark brown and brown
why did a kid throw a clock out the window
to see time fly🤣🤣🤣
i have no legs i say sssss what am i
a snake
what has 4 fingers and a thumb but not living
a glove
whos our teacher
MR Chapman
what colors are crocodiles
lighter, olive green or brown
what did the ocean say to the other ocean
nothing they just waved🤣🤣🤣
i am white and black what am i
a woman and a man are in this car they see these color doors yellow blue or red witch one is correct and font the Easter egg too in this sentence there is only one
Easter egg witch
Who is our P.E teacher
Miss Barker
what colors are horses
white dark brown light brown black white
what do you call a pig the does karate
a pork chop 🤣🤣🤣
i have a shell on my back and i am green what am i
whats 1 plus 2 but minus 11
negative 8
who is our art teacher
Miss Wenger