What conditional?
1st, 2nd and 3rd conditional
Correct the Mistake
Complete the verbs

If you listened more carefully in class, you would get better grades in Maths.

2nd conditional


If my friend ________________ (not/can) go, they will send me a message. 

If my friend CANNOT/CAN'T go, they will send me a message.


If Stephen King hasn't written "Carrie"he wouldn't be a famous horror writer nowadays.

If Stephen King hadn't written "Carrie"he wouldn't be a famous horror writer nowadays.


I'm really upset that I failed the exam. If I ______________ (study) harder, I _____________ (not fail).

had studied; wouldn't have failed


If she had tried harder, she would be more successful now. 

Mixed conditional - past condition with present result


If you are a friendly person, you ____________ (make) friends.

If you are a friendly person, you WILL MAKE friends.


If you were raised in Texas, you'd have a southern accent.

If you had been raised in Texas, you'd have a southern accent.


Our house was broken into last night. We ___________ (not hear) the burglar if the dog ___________ (not bark)

wouldn't have; hadn't barked


We would've enjoyed the circus more if they'd had more acrobats

3rd conditional


She ____________ (organize) everything once she takes charge. 

She WILL ORGANISE everything once she takes charge.


If he woke up earlier, he didn't rush to work every day with his long commute.

If he woke up earlier, he WOULDN'T rush to work every day with his long commute. 


I  (not/be) ___________ in this place if I (listen) ________ to your advice.

wouldn't be; had listened


I wouldn't have bought a dog if we lived in a safer neighbourhood.

Mixed conditional - present condition with a past result


If she ____________ the leader, she would be in charge of the group.

If she WERE the leader, she would be in charge of the group. 


If our boss had been nicer, we would feel more comfortable to ask her questions at the meeting

If our boss had been nicer, we would have felt more comfortable to ask her questions at the meeting


Karl was very rude to me so now we are no longer friends. If Karl __________ (not be) so rude to me, we _______ (still be) friends.

hadn't been; would still be


I'd be happier if my parents had bought a house in the country

Mixed conditional - past condition with present result


If he hadn't tidied his room, he ______________ (not find) his phone. 

If he hadn't tidied his room, he WOULDN'T HAVE FOUND his phone. 


She wouldn't like true crime if her boyfriend haven't shown her that new podcast.

She wouldn't like true crime if her boyfriend hadn't shown her that new podcast.


Tom is in the hospital because he had a car accident last week. If he _______________ (not have) a car accident last week, he __________________________ (not be) in the hospital now.

hadn't had; wouldn't be