Qualitative, Quantitative, or Mixed-Method?
Explanatory, Exploratory, or Concurrent?
Advantages and Disadvantages
Design Considerations
To capitalize on the strengths of each research method, qualitative and quantitative; without the weaknesses of either method
What is the reason for researchers to choose mixed-method designs?
QUAN---------qual p.323
What is sequential explanatory design?
Qualitative focus groups of college students examine how young voters interpret the salience of political advertising to them, and a quantitative content analysis of more than 100 ads from the 2004 presidential race focuses on why group participants felt so alienated by political advertising. p. 321
What is an exploratory research question?
Includes multiple approaches to compensate for disadvantages with using a single method. p.319
What is an advantage of mixed-method designs?
Weight or emphasis given to quantitative or qualitative methods within a study. Usually denoted by upper or lowercase letters. p. 328
What is priority or weighting?
Emphasizes natural settings, understanding, verbal narratives, and flexible designs
What is qualitative?
qual-------QUAN p.325
What is sequential exploratory design? Where the questions are generated by the qualitative portion but emphasis is placed on the quantitative portion.
The following research questions were addressed in this study. 1. To what extent do scores on an institutional ESL placement test...prediction academic performance? 2. To what extent and in what ways do qualitative interviews with students and faculty members serve to contribute to a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of this predictive relationship? p. 320
What is an explanatory design research question?
May require more extensive data collection methods. p.319
What is a disadvantage of mixed-method designs?
Referring to the timing of the implementation of the quantitative and qualitative methods and the order in which the data is used. p. 328
What is sequencing and timing?
Example: A survey is used to determine how teachers like new policy, but doesn’t explain the barrier or resistance teachers perceive that make it difficult for them to implement the new policy.
What is a good example of the use of mixed-method designs.
What is concurrent convergent design?
The participants responded to a prestudy measurement of their attitude toward computers... I used the Sense of Classroom Community Index (SCCI)... to evaluate the sense of classroom community...to collect qualitative data, I used semi structure interviews with follow-up questions to probe for additional information. p.326
What is a concurrent convergent design?
Allows examination of complex research questions. p. 319
What is an advantage of complex research questions?
It is important to identify and explain your reasons for mixing quantitative and qualitative methods. Readers should have enough information about why you have chosen a mixed-method design to be able to determine for themselves if your methods are justified. p. 327
What is the rationale for design considerations for choosing a mixed-method design?
When quantitative data does not adequately describe the outcomes of an experiment. When you want a complete understanding of the relationships between variables.
What is mixed-method designs?
What is a concurrent convergent design?
A study designed to examine kindergarten teachers' perceptions of retention as an intervention. 1. What are kindergarten teacher's perceptions on kindergarten retention as an intervention? 2. Is there a significant relationship between teachers' certification status and their perception of kindergarten retention? 3. Is there a significant relationship between teachers, teaching experience and their perception of kindergarten retention. p.320
What is and exploratory design research question?
It is difficult to combine approaches when writing reports and forming conclusions. p.319
What is a disadvantage of mixed-method designs?
Merging two types of data into a single dataset or transforming data of one type into another such as in convergent designs. Used during the reporting phase of a method. p. 328 and 329
What is data mixing?
Emphasizes numbers, measurements, deductive logic, control, and experiments.
What is quantitative design?
QUAL ------- quan p. 325
What is sequential exploratory design? Where the design relies heavily on the qualitative portion and then is backed up by the minor emphasis of a quantitative study.
In this study, we sought not only descriptions but also explanations of results, in this case teacher education outcomes... The challenge in deciding on he design of the study was to reduce the complexity of the research object without...unjustifiable simplifications...We faced the "breadth-depth" problem... Written questionnaire were the chief instruments used to survey the whole sample...We selected from all of the respondents a smaller number to form a representative subset...which was studied by...qualitative methods. p. 324
What is a sequential explanatory design?
Includes triangulation to enhance credibility of the findings. p.319
What is an advantage of mixed-method designs?
Quantifying qualitative data, qualifying quantitative data, comparing results, consolidating data, examining multi-levels. p. 329
What are examples of concurrent data collection, where quantitative data and qualitative data are given equal weight and priority?