Reading 1
Context Clues
figurative language

What might happen if you fumble a crystal vase?

What is break.


"Grandma Eva learned this recipe from her mother, and she has passed it on to each of her children." What does this sentence suggest about Bea's French toast?                            A. It is easy to make.     B. Anybody could make this kind of French toast.                              C. This recipe for French toast has special meaning.                    D. This French toast tastes terrible.

B (special meaning)


Give me a synonym for the word gigantic.

What is big, huge, large


Winds may be hazardous.  Remain indoors.  Hazardous means?  

A. fast       B. cold             C. unsafe         D. steady

Unsafe (C)


When I walked outside I was as cold as an ice cube? 

What is a simile? 


The message the author is trying to get across. It can be something you learn in life and can apply to different stories. 

What is theme?


Picking out the most important information and telling it in your own words

What is a summary?


It was a cold and windy day. It was in the middle of December and white cotton balls were falling from the sky. This paragraph describes what?

What is setting


In some cases, glasses  are necessary to correct the vision of a patient.  In this case, correct means....       A. right        B.  fix        C.  judge      D. change

What FIX  (B)


Sara's surprise birthday party is Saturday and we told her sister not to let the cat out of the bag.  What does "let the cat out of the bag" mean? 

don't tell the secret, don't ruin the surprise


What the whole story or passage is about.

What is main idea.


We read a short Native American story about a stork getting caught in a net with some crows who were stealing a farmer's corn. What is the theme of this story?

You should be careful when choosing your friends. If you choose friends who are not trustworthy, you might be judged as untrustworthy too, just because you are friends with them.


The three students decided to collaborate on the project, since they all had different talents to share. What does "collaborate" mean?

work together


The auditorium looks like it is filled to capacity. I don't think we will find an empty seat. What does "capacity" mean?

largest amount possible, completely filled


My dad blew his stack when he saw the F on my report card in math and reading.  What does "blew his stack" mean? 

furious,  very angry,  outraged, lost his temper


A Theme of pride for your country, fighting for your country

What is freedom or patriotism.


"Get up on stage and shine like a star!" This contains an example of  ? and means                 A. simile                                                                      B.  metaphor                                      C. personification                                                    D. alliteration

What is a simile,  be spectacular, awesome, show your talent


Joe felt anguish when his dog died. He'd had his dog for 13 years. What does "anguish" mean?

extreme pain, suffering, sadness


The police officer held her hand out. The cars halted. The children crossed the street. Then the police officer waved her hand. All the cars started to move again. What does the word halted mean? a. started b. stopped c. moved quickly

What is stopped (b)


Sam usually wakes up when the sun is coming up.  He is an early bird.  (What does early bird mean and what type of figurative language is it? 

What is a metaphor that means to get up early


The theme of overcoming obstacles or never giving up.

What is perseverance? 


This term is a kind of logical guess where we use schema and the text.

What is making inferences


Cheerleaders are a boisterous group. They spend a lot of time jumping and shouting to energize the players and the fans. What does "boisterous" mean?

loud,  noisy,  energetic,  wild


The restaurant was formal, so I bought a new suit. What does "formal" mean?

The restaurant was formal, so I bought a new suit. What does "formal" mean?                                                                   -------------------------------------------------------upscale, dressy


The wind screamed in his face while he was riding his bike. What does "screamed in his face" mean? 

blew very hard,  made it difficult to pedal, wind blowing furiously