Write thirteen thousandths in standard form.
What is 0.013?
The first digit to the right of the decimal point is known as the _____ place.
What is the tenths place?
12.5 + 23.2
What is 35. 7?
Round 6.89 to the ones place.
What is 7?
2/5 + 1/3
What is 11/15?
Write three and five hundred four thousandths in standard form.
What is 3.504?
Write .522 in word form.
What is five-hundred twenty-two thousandths?
.36 + .5
What is .86?
Round 4.892 to the hundredths place
What is 4.89?
3/4 + 1/8
What is 28/32 = 7/8?
Write three and fifty-four thousandths in standard form.
What is 3.054?
The second digit to the right of the decimal point is known as what value?
What is the hundredths place?
3.82 + 0.4
What is 4.22
Round 3.27 to the tenths place.
What is 3.3 or 3.30?
5/8 + 1/4 =
What is 28/32 = 7/8?
Write in two hundred thirty one thousandths in expanded form.
What is 2/10 + 3/100 + 1/1000?
Write 4.9 in word form.
What is four and nine-tenths?
15.8 - 14. 9
What is 0.9?
Round 2.34567 to the thousandths place.
What is 2.346 or 2.34600?
2/5 + 1/8 =
What is 21/40?
Write two and nine-tenths in expanded form.
What is 2 + 9/10?
In 4.023, what is the value of 3?
What is thousandths place?
18.03 - 9.7
What is 8.33?
Round 0.0896 to the nearest hundredths place.
What is 0.09?
3/10 + 1/4 =
What is 22/40?