I have keys but no locks. I can play a tune without a voice
a piano
I make a loud noise when changing its jacket, becomes larger but weighs less.
I happen once a year to mark the first day you cried
a birthday
What starts with an E, ends with an E, but only has one letter?
An envelope
What has hands but can’t clap?
A clock
I am full of holes, yet I can hold water.
a sponge
I am a breakfast food that is round and golden, often topped with syrup.
I usually come once in a minute, twice in a week, and once in a year
Letter E
I’m a five-letter word that becomes shorter when you add two letters.
Why did the student eat their homework?
The teacher said it was a piece of cake!
I fly without wings, I cry without eyes. Wherever I go, darkness flies.
a cloud
I’m red and juicy, often sliced in sandwiches or salads. Some think I’m a fruit, others a vegetable.
a tomato
If the end of the year is on December 31st, then what is the end of Christmas
Letter "S"
I have branches but no fruit or leaves.
The Bank
What comes down but never goes up?
I can show what others cannot see. I don't move but I show movement. I exist to reflect, but I have no opinions.
a mirror
I have a skin, more eyes than one. I can be very nice when I am done.
This is a day to honour love and give chocolates or flowers.
Valentine’s Day
What can you hold in your left hand but not in your right?
Your right hand
I am cup but can't hold water
Cup Cake
I start cold but finish warm. My time is short, but I can change bread into something crisp and warm.
A toaster
You cut me up, you chop me up, you dice me up and you cry over me.
When does New Year’s Day come before Christmas?
Every Year.
The more of me you take, the more you leave behind
What gets wetter the more it dries
A towel.