2 Step Word Problems
Word Problems Money
Word Problems Bonus
For Halloween Debby and her sister combined the candy they received. Debby had thirty-two pieces of candy while her sister had forty-two. If they ate thirty-five pieces the first night, how many pieces do they have left?
What is 39 pieces
What is 177
When Sandy was visited by the toothfairy, she received 7 each of dimes, nickels, and pennies. How much money did the toothfairy leave Sandy?
What is $1.12
Sara decided to buy fudge flavored ice cream at a local ice cream parlor. To pay for her order, Sara paid with change, using 2 half dollars, 1 quarter, 1 dime, 1 nickel, and 2 pennies. What was the total price of Sara's order?
What is $1.42
A pet store had thirteen siamese cats and five house cats. During a sale they sold ten cats. How many cats do they have left?
What is 8 cats
What is 362
On Saturday, Sara spent 5 quarters playing pinball. The next day, she spent 7 quarters on pinball. What was the total amount Sara spent playing pinball?
What is $3.00
Shopping in a book store, Mary found a used book on the planet Uranus that she decided to purchase. To pay for the book, Mary spent 2 half dollars, 3 quarters, 3 dimes, 1 nickel, and 3 pennies. How much money did Mary spend on the book?
What is $2.13
Luke was trying to expand his game collection. He bought two games from a friend and bought two more at a garage sale. If two of the games didn't work, how many good games did he end up with?
What is 2 games
What is 33
Sally has 16 dimes and 5 nickels. All in all, how much money does Sally have?
What is $1.85
While walking downtown in Portland, John collected change from the purchases he made. The change from his purchases included 1 half dollar, 3 quarters, 3 dimes, 1 nickel, and 3 pennies. What's the total amount of change John received from his purchases?
What is $1.63
The school cafeteria ordered forty-two red apples and seven green apples for students lunches. But, if only nine students wanted fruit, how many extra did the cafeteria end up with?
What is 40 apples
What is 13
As Sara was searching through her couch cushions, she found 13 nickels, and 9 dimes in the couch. How much money in total does Sara have?
What is $1.55
) Nancy found a large number of coins while walking on the sidewalk to a softball game. On the sidewalk she found 2 half dollars, 1 quarter, 1 dime, 3 nickels, and 2 pennies. How much money did Nancy find?
What is $1.52
Lana picked thirty-six tulips and thirty-seven roses to make flower bouquets. If she only used seventy of the flowers though, how many extra flowers did Lana pick?
What is 3 flowers.
What is 228
Alyssa found 8 dimes, 13 pennies, and 15 nickels in her house, and found 18 pennies in her piggybank. How much money did Alyssa find?
What is $1.86
Jess opened her piggybank to find out how much money she had to spend on lynx stickers. In the bank, she found 2 half dollars, 3 quarters, 1 dime, 2 nickels, and 1 penny. How much money does Jess have for lynx stickers?
What is $1.96