What does MJ stand for in this game?
Mother Jones
What were some examples of the children's poor conditions?
Holes in shoes, no education, frail, weak e.t.c...
What is the connotations of "I love children" from the first paragraph?
What is a group of crows called?
A murder
Why did MJ do this?
Because she saw how horrible the conditions were
For the children.
At the year 1900 how many children under the age of 16 worked?
2 million.
When in the text it talks about how they walked 3 weeks how does it make the readers feel?
Bad for the children because they worked so hard.
Who wrote the Harry Potter book series?
J.K Rowling
How many children did she take to the white house?
3 boys
What were some examples of places children worked?
Mines, factories e.t.c...
When Mother Jones talks bout the children's broken and bloody fingers, how does it make readers feel?
Negative=makes people feel sad and sympathy for the children.
Who was the first President?
George Washington
Where were the children during her speech at the animal show?
In the animal cages.
What time period was this text in?
The turn of the century
When the text talks about how MJ was denied how does it make the readers feel.
Negative=angry because after working so hard they were denied the right to see the president.
What are the 3 types of rocks?
Igneous,Sedimentary and Metamorphic
How long did MJ and the children walk?
3 weeks.
What year did MJ start her journey?
When the kids had signs with things like "we want to go to school" what does this make the readers feel?
Negative= this shows the horrible working conditions of children.
In PJO what was the first 5 books perspective?
1st person.