What does Mother Jones like?
Kids!!!!!! :3
What is historical context?
information about the time period, place, etc. 0o0
What connotation does the word treacherous have when used to describe the machines in paragraph 4?
It adds a negative connotation >.<
How do male penguins rizz the huzz up ;P
Give them pebbles!! ^w^
How many boys did Mother Jones bring to Sagamore Hill
3 boys ;)
What year/time period does the story take place in?
What connotation do the words "the torn, bleeding fingers of breaker boys" have as used in paragraph 2.
Negative, as it clearly describes the fingers of some of the children who worked in these mills, trying to provoke emotion from the reader. >o>
What company partnered with Sabrina Carpenter to make a drink?
Dunkin >3<!
Was the march named after her? if so, what was it named?
Mother Jones's Crusaders
Mother Jones's Industrial Army !!!!!! OvO
What conditions were most children in during this time period?
Forced to work in mills and did not attend school. 0_0
What connotation do the words "I love children" have in paragraph 1?
Positive! She loves kids ^v^
what does DJ Khaled say life is?
Life is Roblox o3o!
Who did Mother Jones write a letter to?
President Roosevelt :O!!!
What type of child labor laws were passed during the time period during New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania
Tougher child labor laws -w-
What kind of connotation do the words "evils of child labors" as said in paragraph 9 have?
Negative! it provokes a emotion from the reader to sympathize with the children! 'u'
Latest Tyler the creator album -3-
What did Mother Jones ask the newspapers publishers about?
Why did they not write about child labor! >:(
How did some feel about Mother Jones during the time period?
Some thought she wanted attention, while other saw her as a hero. UoU
What is the definition of connotation?
A word that invokes an idea or feeling in addition to its meaning. ;w;
Five nights at...
Freddy's!!! OuO