MLA Citations
In text Citations
MLA Format
Evaluating Sources
Random Questions

In an MLA citation, what comes first: 

A) Author's name (last name, first name)

B) The publication date

C) the URL

A) Author's name 


Complete the in-text citation

"The wind was like fire against her exposed face and instantly froze the tears that fell from her eyes"(_______).

Author: David Robertson

Page#: 75

(Robertson 75)


What font and font size is required for MLA format?

Times New Roman 

12pt font


Which of the following is NOT a reliable source?

A) a New York Times article from two years ago, about sea creatures eating the microplastics in the Pacific ocean and growing extra body parts.

B) A Wikipedia page about the Star Wars Movies

C) a YouTube Video posted by National Geographic last year about a new species of giraffes that have short necks and are carnivorous. 

B) Wikipedia page about Star Wars


How many months have 28 days?

All of them!!


What comes after the author's name in an MLA citation? 

The name of the article


What goes in the parenthesis at the end of an in-text citation? 

the author's last name and a page number if there are page numbers.


What goes in the top left corner of the page in MLA format?

Your name (First name and Last name)

Teacher's name (Ms.Musante)

Course name and number (ENG 221)

Date (written out, February 4, 2025 NOT 2/4/25)


True or False?

An article from 2002 about a new technology being used to track hurricanes and stop them from hitting land is reliable.



Do we have a core assessment (test) in this class? 

NO! Your 5 paragraph research paper is your core assessment!


what comes next in this MLA citation>

Smith, Sally. "The 'least spectacular' of the Great Lakes is a devastating snow machine."_________

the name of the website or periodical


What is wrong with the following in-text citation?

An avalanche of freezing air burst through the paper and pushed both of them back, almost to the opposite wall (Robertson 60).

It is missing quotation marks around the quoted sentence.


What goes in the header on the top right of your page in MLA format?

Your last name and the page number


True of False?

A journalist who has been reporting on weather and climate trends for 15 years, and who has a master's degree in meteorology and geology is a credible author for an article about the warming of the earth and the hottest year on record so far.



How many M&Ms are there in the typical bag. 



What is missing in the following citation for a print by Francisco Goya? Fill in the blank.

Goya, Francisco. They Spruce Themselves        

        Up. _______. The Metropolitan Museum of Art,            New York City. 

Date the art piece was created



Why is it crucial to properly cite the sources you include in a piece of writing?

To indicate that the work is not your own and avoid plagiarism.

To indicate where the information came from.

So the reader can more easily locate the information. 


What should be on the very last page of a research paper?

The works cited


If an article does not have an author but still seems reliable and credible, what else can you check to be sure?

where the source is from (a .gov or .org site, a periodical, a science related source etc.) 

the date (make sure it's not too old) 


Where is the worlds largest pistachio?

New Mexico

Alamogordo - Pistachio Land


In an MLA citation, the names of books, websites, and art pieces must be in_______. 


What does MLA stand for?

Modern Language Association


your works cited citations should be in ___________ order by the author's last name, and the second line of your citations and each one after that should be indented creating a_______. 


Hanging indent


When writing a research/informative paper, why is it important that your sources are NOT biased?

*biased = sways heavily towards or favors one side of an issue or the other, pushes an agenda on the reader, or tries to sell you something, 

You do not want to be given wrong or inaccurate information. A good, informative source should just give you information about a subject.


Solve this riddle

I am the beginning of the end, the end of time and space, I am essential to creation, and I surround every place.

What am I? 

The letter E