The margins for top, bottom, left, and right sides of the page.
What is one inch.
Complete works, such as book titles and newspapers should be in this format.
What is italics.
Correct this:
I was walking along the street she said when I saw a cat and a dog chasing each other Smith 24
What is:
"I was walking along the street when I saw a cat and a dog chasing each other" (Smith 24).
The key on the keyboard you use to indent.
What is the tab key.
These are used to show parts of works, such as an article or short story.
What are quotes.
Correct this:
When she said I can't believe it the little boy started laughing Keats 3
What is:
"When she said, 'I can't believe it' the little boy started laughing" (Keats 3).
These four pieces of information belong above the title of your paper.
What is name, teacher, class, and date.
MLA format increases your credibility with your reader. In other words, it uses this rhetorical appeal.
(Hint: it doesn't increase the reader's feelings or logic.)