Who are the main characters in today's Bible Story?
The whole Christian Church that began many, many years ago.
Love ____ ______ in the same way I have ______ you.
Love each other in the same way I have loved you.
What is the name of today's Bible Buddy? Why is that a funny name to people who are older?
Lawrence Elk.
Because there was a band leader named Lawrence Welk who directed an orchestra and had his own TV show from 1951 to 1982. WOW!
What is today's Bible Point?
Jesus' power helps us be good friends. Trust Jesus!
Although engines are powered by coal or wood to make steam, what powers us?
What were the friends and followers of Jesus called? (the ones who learned from Him)
Where in the Bible do we find this verse?
John 15:12
What do you call a male elk?
A bull
Did Jesus say we should only be friends to nice people?
No, He wants us to care for all people.
What was your favorite song from VBS this year?
Answers vary.
What were the people called who went out telling others about Jesus? (the ones sharing His message)
Name some ways you can show love to others.
Pray for them, spend time with them, encourage them
How often do elk lose their antlers?
Every year
Name some ways Jesus was a good friend when he lived on earth.
Loved those who weren’t popular or rich. Forgave sins.
Which was your favorite snack this year?
Answers vary
What would the early Christian Church do together?
Prayed, ate, learned God's Word, shared with those in need, praised God together
Is it easy or hard to love someone who might be irritating or unfriendly? Why?
Hard because they don’t seem to want to have friends. Hard because they don’t seem happy.
What do you call the sound elk make?
Who has been a good example of a good friend to you?
Brother or sister/cousins. Care Engineer. Parents. People who smile in the neighborhood.
What game was a good one to play with friends?
Answers vary.
How can you stay connected with your friends, especially while you can’t see them in person right now?
Call, zoom, send email, write letters, mail pictures
Can you share some times when it might be hard for Jesus to love you?
When I am cranky. When I disobey. When I am selfish. When I’m not kind.
How can you be a good buddy to those in your herd?
Love them, don’t argue, pray if you aren’t getting along, trust Jesus’ power to pull you through.
What is something you can do THIS WEEK to be a good friend to someone else?
Smile, wave, do something special, random acts of kindness
How can you use what you learned from these favorites to be good friends with others?
Make a family list