The Teachers
Comprehensible Input
State/Federal Laws
Myths About Students

This is the first question asked to a Literacy Coach after Acadience testing...

What is..."What do I do with this student that can't read any English?" 

**Let's discuss what the teacher is actually saying here...


This WIDA assessment is given only once to an MLL student...

What is... WIDA-P? 


"below the belt"     "see eye to eye"

"put one's foot down" are examples of...

What are... Idioms? 



MLL students have the right to be in grade-level classes with their peers...

What is... True!!


True/ False

Using google translate for all of the assignments, makes me a good teacher because my student will finally understand and catch up to peers... 

What is...FALSE!

Let's talk translation support. 


Teachers often have these displayed in their rooms, but do not refer to them or explain their purpose for students...

What are... Visuals?


The WIDA-A assesses students in these four domains...

What are... listening, speaking, reading, writing?


Teachers need to support lessons by providing these two types of objectives...

What are... Content and language objectives? 


As a teacher, I often communicate with non-English speaking parents without an ____________, because the student can do it. 

What is... a translator? 

If this is happening at your schools, speak up! We have clear district policy that must be followed with translations services. 


In class, my MLL students just sit there and won't do any work. This means they...

What is... 

Don't care.

They are lazy. 

Let's discuss what this behavior is actually telling us...


Teachers pride themselves for having set these in place on the first day of school... 

What are... Procedures, Routines, and Structure? 


Parents of an MLL student, can opt their child out of...

What is... ESL services?


MLLs are learning new language, and in order for the input to be comprehensible, they need...

What is... repetition? 



MLL students should be in a classroom with an ELS Endorsed teacher...

What is...True? 


My MLL student's parents never come to teacher conferences, won't help their child, NEVER returns notes, don't read their emails, because...

What is... not caring about education. 

They are always working. 

They can't speak English.

**Let's discuss family connections...


Teachers will often plan for students to engage in this type of activity to support their learning, but they ignore the outcome and would rather quickly respond to an email... 

What are... Collaborative Student Interactions that support "in the moment" engagement, learning, and feedback?


Once an MLL students takes the a WIDA assessment, teachers can use these descriptors to inform their instruction and gain a better understanding of language performance of their students...

What are... "Can Do" descriptors. 


Teachers should plan to teach vocabulary in every lesson using these vocabulary types...

What are... content/academic, and social?

CALP: (Cognitive/Academic Language Proficiency) is content specific terms and academic terms used. 3-5 years

BISC:(Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills) is basic language ability required for face-to-face communication, it is social language.  

*Jim Cummings


MLL students that are eligible for ESL services will continue to receive services until...

What is... They demonstrate proficiency scores on WIDA-A assessment or a parent/s opt student out of services (required annually). 



MLL students can ALL read in their native language. 

What is... False? 


Teachers often have this attitude towards MLL students...

What is... Someone needs to teach them, can't I have a tutor? 


WIDA-A composite scores are determined by the English proficiencies in the four domains that are weighted into the following percentages... 

What are... 15%, 15%, 35%, 35%


Using explicit instruction on high-priority content-related words with opportunities to use these words in scaffolded discussions can build and extend MLLs academic language use and academic thinking that depend on words. (Nagy & Townsend).  **What are some examples of this scaffolding?

Using sentence starters for speaking and writing! 

Clarifying visuals.

Supporting with graphic organizers (some filled in portions provided).

Share out other examples...


If you have questions regarding State and Federal compliance, you call...

Who is... Connie Ziegler!!! 



MLLs don't have anything to do in the evenings and should be able to do all their assignments because I showed them how to do it on their own. 

What is... False 

Let's discuss home situations...

What do teachers do to inform themselves about their students?