True or False: RAs need to shovel and put down ice melt on the days they are on call and the weather calls for it.
The location that MLLC residents can go to workout, swim, play basketball, etc.
The Wellness Center
The name of our Hall Gov President.
How important information should be communicated to Dallas.
What MLLC stands for.
What is Mathew Living Learning Center?
When the duty phone switch takes place on holidays.
When is at 12pm (noon)?
True or False: NDSU IT Services and the NDSU Card Center are located at the same location.
The name of our Hall Gov Vice President and Admin Director.
Who is Nick Palmer?
When deadlines that are listed on the agenda are due.
When is at the end of the day listed on the agenda?
When MLLC East and West were built, respectively.
When are 2003 and 2008?
The amount of time prior to a 1:1 the eRezLife 1:1 form should be filled out.
What is 24 hours prior?
The location of NDSU's Counseling Center.
Where is Ceres Hall 212?
The names of both our MLLC Community Representives.
Who are Montana Brown and Brady Anderson?
The location where almost all the information you need to do your position successfully can be found.
MLLC's occupancy when full.
What is 332 residents?
The 4 tasks RAs have when conducting break closing room checks (some tasks have an "and", so arguably could be considered more than 4 tasks).
1. Close/Lock windows
2. Shut blinds
3. Temperature to 72 or "5".
4. Turn off lights and lock door behind you.
The location of NDSU's LGBTQ+ Resources
Where is the Memorial Union 122?
Provide 3 events that MLLC Hall Gov has put on so far.
Breakfast Bash, Hallowcrafts, Rock Your Identitea, Painting and Pastries, Cozy Game Night, Grocery Bag Bingo
The amount of time prior to a billboard deadline the new one can be put up.
When is communicate with Dallas your thoughts and a decision will be made collaboratively?
Who MLLC is named after.
Who is Prakash Mathew?
Explain the check-out process.
Resident contacts RA to check-out. RA takes check-out clipboard (RCF, QR codes, Damage sheet) to resident room. RA reviews RCF and marks any additional damages. Resident provides mail forwarding address. RA has resident retrieve all mail from mailbox. RA retrieves room and mail key. RA completes RCF. RCF is turned into Dallas via his mailbox.
The location of NDSU's IT Services.
Where is Quentin Burdick Building 206?
The next event that MLLC Hall Gov is putting on.
What is "Untitled" Game Night at 6pm on Tuesday, March 4?
The times at which you can go to central to retrieve items for billboards (if necessary).
Mon-Fri from 8am to 5pm (excluding holidays) & already scheduled "after-hours" central time (typically on Thursdays at 6:30pm)
The month that summer housing requests for MLLC open up.
When is April?