He is a pet and he is named after how he acted in the episode may the best pet win
Tank (rainbow dash's pet)
the changeling
the pillars sent this villain to limbo with them
the pony of shadows/stigieon
The cutie mark crusaders are the first ponies to all have...
The "same" cutie mark
Pinkie pie's favorite sister
How did twilight become a princess
She created a new magic: the magic of friendship
which one looks like scootaloo
the element of strength
Who is the best princess
Diamond tiara's best friend
Silver spoon
how did the tree of harmony die with the elements
king sombra destroyed it
She is the young 6 element of laughter
Silver stream
Rarity tells the story of this pillar
Mist mane
What do the royal guards do
Applejack's, Apple Bloom's, and big Mac's mom was not an apple, she was a___
Who is this:
Opalescence (Rarity's and Sweetie belle's pet)
Gallas becomes a ____ when he is older in the episode the last problem
a royal guard
Which pillar is Twilight's idol
Star Swirl the bearded
In what episode did the cutie mark crusaders get their cutie marks
The crusaders of the lost mark
Will there be a changeling civil war
evil love eating changelings vs. nice changelings
What keeps them connected
The elements of harmony and their friendship
Where do they dissapear together in the episode school daze
to the castle of the two sisters
who is this:
Flash magnus
The cutie mark crusaders are often referred to as..
My little ponies
pinkie pie's family lives on this kind of farm
a rock farm