Equestria Facts
Who Quoth?
Songs by the Episodes
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Places to See
These supernatural artifacts are the most powerful force in Equestria; they each represent a component of friendship.
What are the Elements of Harmony
"It needs to be about 20% cooler."
Who is Rainbow Dash
Babs Seed
What is One Bad Apple
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic was first aired on October 10, 2010 and created by this animated television company.
What is Hasbro Studios
This is the capital of Equestria and home to the royal palace of Princess Celestia. It is also Twilight Sparkle's prior hometown.
What is Canterlot
If you are a frequent watcher of MLP FiM, you'll know that Fluttershy is deathly afraid of these.
What are dragons
"I just don't know what went wrong."
Who is Derpy Hooves
Becoming Popular (The Pony Everypony Should Know)
What is Sweet and Elite
Look closely and you'll find this cannon aquamarine unicorn in the background of almost every episode.
Who is Lyra
Where Rainbow Dash lives and the place where Equestria's weather is made at the Weather Factory.
What is Cloudsdale
Roaming about the Everfree Forest, these half-chicken, half-snake creatures have the ability to turn ponies to stone if they look it directly in the eye.
What is a cockatrice
"What fun is there in making sense?"
Who is Discord
You Got to Share, You Got to Care
What is Over a Barrel
Ah, a royal wedding; how nice! But, little does Shining Armor know that Queen Chrysalis, queen of the changelings, is protraying as his bride, and this niece of Princess Celestia.
Who is Princess Cadence
The place where Applejack left to live with her Aunt and Uncle Orange when she was a filly. Also hometown to Babs Seed.
What is Manehattan
In the legend, Nightmare Moon is said to return on the longest day of the thousandth year. It is also the thousandth day of this event where Princess Celestia raises the sun.
What is the Summer Sun Celebration
"Hold on to your hooves, I am about to be brilliant!"
Who is Pinkie Pie
Pinkie Pie's Smile song
What is A Friend in Deed
In the episode "May the Best Pet Win!" Rainbow Dash becomes jealous of her friends because they all have pets and she doesn't. Applejack has Winona, Fluttershy has Angel Bunny, Rarity has Opalescence, Pinkie Pie has Gummy, and Twilight Sparkle has this feathery friend.
Who is Owlicious
Home for a dreadful hydra and a refrence to a neighborhood in Washington D.C.
What is Froggy Bottom Bog
The 3 tribes: Pegasi, Unicorns, and Earth Ponies founded the land they called Equestria after this incident caused famine, toppled the tribes' peace, and led them to journey to a new land.
What is a blizzard
"I say, that's one way to make an introduction."
Who is Fancy Pants
This Day Aria, Parts 1 and 2
What is A Royal Wedding
Where Babs Seed is Applebloom's favorite cousin, this pony is to Granny Smith. (It helps if you've seen Apple Family Reunion)
Who is Apple Rose
Main setting for Fall Weather Friends
What is White Tail Woods