This is a villain who wanted to steal Equestrian Magic and take over.
The princess who raises and lowers the sun.
Princess Celestia.
What are the magic jewels that brought this group of ponies together?
The Elements of Harmony.
A human version of My Little Pony.
How do you become an alicorn?
Create new magic.
A queen who wanted to take all of Equestria's love.
Queen Chrysalis.
The princess who raises and lowers the moon.
Princess Luna.
Why is the Manes Six's friendship so strong?
Their flaws and connections make them strong.
When Spike the dragon goes through the portal, what does he come out as?
A dog.
Why did Twilight become an alicorm?
Twilight created the Magic of Friendship.
A small pony pegasus who wanted nothing more then to rule Equestria some day.
Cozy Glow.
The princess that spreads love around Equestria.
Princess Cadance.
Who is the Element of Magic?
Twilight Sparkle.
What does EG stand for?
Equestria Girls.
What are alicorns?
Alicorns are a mix of the three types of ponies.
A pony who was consumed by dark magic and tried to destroy hope in Equestria.
The Pony of Shadows.
The princess who spreads friendship around Equestria.
Princess Twilight.
Who is the Element of Laughter?
Pinkie Pie.
How many portals lead from the human world to Equestria?
Two known portals.
What are the three types of ponies?
The three types of ponies are Earth Ponies, Pegasus Ponies, and Unicorn Ponies.
A type of greedy creature who wanted not just the magic of Equestria, but the entire world.
The Storm King.
A princess who is the daughter of Princess Cadance and Shining Armour.
Princess Flurry Heart.
Who is the Element of Kindness?
What are the two known portals to the human world?
Magical quick sand, and a magical mirror.
Why are alicorns so important?
Alicorns are important because they are the most magical ponies of all and they are more capable of protecting Equestria and they can bring everypony together.