what is the Largest dog breed?
English mastiff
when did the age of exploration began?
late 1400s (1492)
What was a goal the French, Dutch, Spanish, English and Portuguese have in common?
to find new trade routes to Asia
what does Galleon Mean?
a spanish ship larger and heavier than a caravel
what was the civilization Hernan Cortes conquered?
The Aztec empire
which Spanish is easiest to understand?
Colombian Spanish
What continents were involved in the triangular trade?
Europe, Africa and the Americas
what does "Gold, Glory and God" mean?
the Europeans key motives for exploration
what does Mestizo mean?
a person who is mixed of European and Native American descent
why was the Inca easier to conquer?
it was already weakened by diseases (smallpox)
TVDU: team Damon or Stefan?
Damon. only right answer
What was the effect of the Columbian Exchange is the Americas?
95% of indigenous populations died from diseases that Europeans had brought there.
what was Pope Alexander VI solution to the conflict between Spanish and Portuguese?
to do a line of demarcation on the map
what's a cash crop?
a crop that is grown for sale rather than for personal use
what did the Catholic Church do in Latin America?
to convert people to Christianity, built schools, churches and hospitals
what is the name of the "lost city of the incas"?
Machu Picchu
what is the Columbian exchange?
the exchange of plants, animals and diseases and goods between the Western and Eastern Hemispheres
what was their main religion Practice?
Catholicism- Christianity
What is Encomienda?
a system of labor that the Spanish used in the Americas
who were at the bottom of the social class ladder?
Africans and Native Americans
where is the lost city of the Monkey God? also known as "la Ciudad Blanca"?
When they thought they had found Asia, where were they really?
The Caribbean islands
what company was considered a joint-stock company?
The English East India Company
what is mercantilism?
a set of principles that dominated economic thought in the 17th century; it held that the prosperity of a nation depended on a large supply of gold and silver.
Name of the women who wrote poetry, prose and advocated for the education of women
Juana Ines de la Cruz