this movie was about a true story with a cruise ship. starring Leo DiCaprio
what is Titanic?
35 x 1
35 XD
folding pieces of paper to make little nooks and crannys
what is origami?
This person made the song " Truth Hurts"
Who is Lizzo
a famous quote from a card game is this:
" Uno reverse card!"
ohh who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
What is Spongebob Squarepants
These numbers have only 1 and themselves as factors
what is a prime number?
coloring is fun with these little pieces of wax.
what is Crayons?
Finish the lyric: " I dont wanna be you_
oh no!
our table! its broken
This series is about siblings that have similar names
What is Nicky Ricky Dicky and Dawn?
what is 42?
Bob Ross would be proud of you for doing this
what is painting?
This person made the song: "Bad Guy"
who is Billie Eilish?
Hey now, your an all star
What is Shrek?
the only prime even number
what is the number 2?
This person made the popular Mona Lisa
Who is Leonardo da Vinci?
Finish the lyric: " Im a _
This is _
What is Jeopardy?
1 2 4 and the number itself are the factors of this number
what is the number 8?
moving and jumping around is named this
what is dancing?
i see thing that nobody else sees