MNC Instructor Trivia
Social Determinants of Health
Clinical Skills
Med School Applications
Health Insurance

Can you still reach out to us if you want to talk about medicine, healthcare careers, mentorship, research etc? 



Define Social Determinants of Health

From the US Department of Health and Human Services “Social determinants of health (SDOH) are the conditions in the environments where people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age that affect a wide range of health, functioning, and quality-of-life outcomes and risks.”


What is a normal blood pressure?



Does getting into medical school define your worth as a person? Does applying multiple times mean you are less capable? Are your grades and MCAT scores the most important things about you?

NO! Of course not! You're all amazing! The path to medicine/your goals can be tough, but you are all capable of achieving whatever your dreams are! Don't give up!


What is the name of the social program that provides healthcare for people 65 and up?



Which MNC Instructors did a UC Consortium Postbacc Program?

Victor & Sofanit


What is the difference between health disparities and health inequities?

  • Health Disparities: differences in health status between population groups, such as disease rates

  • Health Inequities: disparities in health status and mortality rates that are a result of systemic, avoidable and unfair social and economic policies and practices that create barriers to opportunity


True or False. We are listening Directly to the valve that we place the stethoscope over during heart auscultation. 

False. Listening at the opposite side to hear the flow of blood once the valve open/closes.


When does AMCAS open for application submissions?



What is the difference between Covered California and MediCal?

Covered California is the new marketplace that makes it possible for individuals and families to get free or low- cost health insurance through Medi-Cal, or to get help paying for private health insurance. 


What are the MNC instructors specialty interests? 



What are the ecological and biomedical models of healthcare?

Ecological models - of health behavior emphasize the environmental and policy contexts of behavior, while incorporating social and psychological influences.

Biomedical model understands health as the absence of disease, considering purely physical factors. Disease is understood as damage to cells of the body due to pathoanatomical changes and differentiates 'illness' as the perception of being unwell by the individual. 


What spots on the body should we listen to, to examine each of the 6 lobes of the lungs? 

4 spots front of the body, 6 spots back of the body, 1 spot in each axilla


What is a UC Davis resource we can use for advising in any health care career? 

Health Professions Advising: app prep, test prep, workshops, interviews, etc. 


Describe fee for service, capitation, and salary as they relate healthcare payment. (Bonus 50 points - describe a 2 healthcare systems that use two different payment methods)

  • Fee for Service: Paying a separate fee for each service provided (PPOs, Medicare A&B, Medicaid)

  • Capitation: Paying a fixed sum per patient (per capita)to provide all necessary care (ex. HMOs, Kaiser)

  • Salary: Paying a fixed yearly salary (perhaps by hospital or health system); doesn’t change based on number of patients


Where did your MNC instructors complete undergrad? 

Cica - UC Berkeley 

Sofanit - UC Irvine

Victor - UC Davis 


What is health? (include 3 components)

WHO definition of Health:

  • Is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being

  • It is not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. 

  • a fundamental human right  


What artery are you listening to when taking a typical blood pressure?

brachial a. 


How many times can you take the MCAT in one year, two years, and a lifetime? 

Up to three times in one year. Up to four times over a two-year period. Up to seven times in a lifetime.


Describe Medicare parts A, B, C, and D.

  • Part A provides inpatient/hospital coverage.
  • Part B provides outpatient/medical coverage.
  • Part C offers a Medicare Advantage Plan.
  • Part D provides prescription drug coverage.


What is the name of Victor's daughter?


Provide 5 different examples of social determinants of health.

There are many! You get the points as long as you can come up with 5 different ones!


What is the pathway blood takes through the heart? Include all major blood vessels, chambers, and valves.

vena cava, right atrium, tricuspid valve, right ventricle, pulmonary valve, pulmonary artery, lungs, pulmonary veins, left atrium, mitral valve, left ventricle, aortic valve, aorta, and the tissues of the body


What are the benefits of the Fee Assistance Program? 

Program for underserved premedical students where they can receive covered: mcat materials, MSAR, 20 medical schools 1 application


What is a premium, deductible, co payment? Bonus 50 pts - What is coinsurance? 

  • premium: payment at time of purchase of insurance, regardless of if care is ever used. Can be a monthly or yearly payment

  • Annual Deductible: out of pocket costs incurred each year before insurance payment starts

  • Co-payment: amount paid at each time care is accessed(physician services, prescriptions services, hospital services)

  • Coinsurance – percent paid at each time care is accessed (ex. 80:20, 70:30, etc.)