Social Mobility
Social Structure and Mobility
Status Attainment
The Individual & Status Attainment
changes in occupational distribution of people, either intra- or intergenerationally
What is Mobility
refers to people's upward rate of movement from their class of origin due to historical changes in the occupational structure.
What is Structural Mobility
refers to how each individual enters one of those occupations.
What is Status Attainment
children learn norms values, internalize needs, develop skills and knowledge and enact roles.
What is socialized
Open to discussion
In figure 5.2 how do the ascribed and achieved factors contribute to a person's status attainment.
occurs during people's own careers, beginning from their first main job after the end of formal education.
What is Intragenerational mobility
refers to the rate of upwards and downward movement between class of origin and class of destination that occurs independently of historical changes in the occupational structure.
What is Circulation Mobility
refers to children's plans and expectations about their ultimate level of schooling, such as going to college.
What is Educational Aspirations
constitutes another difference between the families. Refers to who one knows and where they are located in the class structure.
What is social capital
In table 5.4 what is highest percentage white-collar job?
compares parents occupations to children's eventual main job.
What is Intergenerational mobility
1. economic development 2. class differences in fertility rates 3. immigration rates 4. affirmative action for white males
What are the four factors rate of mobility impacts?
refers to the kind of jobs children expect or would like when they become adults.
What is occupational aspirations
constitutes a third difference between families. Refers to familiarity with the dominant culture.
What is Cultural Capital
Tells us that 74% of the sons of white-collar workers also become white-collar workers and 61% of sons of blue-collar workers also become blue-collar workers.
What do the percentages in table 5.3 reflect when it comes to who becomes white-collar workers vs blue-collar workers?
The study of how individuals enter specific occupations.
What is Status Attainment
refers to public policies giving advantages to one group over others
What is Affirmative Action
social class of family origin, ability, academic performance, encouragement, aspirations, education and occupation
Name three major variable in status attainment process
It involves parents giving advantages and disadvantages to their children.
Why is class conflict harder to see at an individual level?
White-collar jobs increase from 18% to 37% Farmers decrease from 38% to 12%
In table 5.4 what can be said about white-collar jobs compared to farming over the years?
Intergenerational mobility
Which do you feel more accurately reflects degree of opportunities in today's society, intergenerational mobility or intragenerational mobility?
open to discussion
Give an example of upward mobility.
What factor has a biological basis in its development is socially determined?
The lower the families income the greater the economic pressures and lower self-confidence and lower achievement level.
How does family income impact children's self-confidence and achievement?
62% of children born in to the lowest income group end up in the lowest deciles group as adults. 59% of children born in to the highest income group end up in the highest deciles as adults.
What does figure 5.1 tell us about children being born in to low income families vs. high income families?