“What? Like, it’s hard?”
What is Legally Blonde?
Brown v Board of Ed
What case ended the “seperate but equal” doctrine?
What is Clarence?
What is a yes or no question on direct?
Ms. Shuman
Who is the Mock Trial Coach?
“Sometimes I Like To Hang Out With People Who Aren’t That Bright, You Know, Just To See How The Other Half Lives.”
What is Suits?
Miranda v Arizona
What case established “Miranda Rights”?
What is Sonia?
What is a question that asks the witness to answer multiple questions?
What Room is Mock Trial in?
“Never take a learning opportunity away from another student, no matter how smart you need everyone to think you are.”
What is How to Get Away with Murder?
Marbury v Madison
What case established Judicial Review?
What is Samuel?
What is an out of court statement presented as the truth of the matter?
Mira, Catherine, and Ushoshi
Who are the Mock Trial Captains
“The one thing that doesn’t abide by majority rule is a person’s conscience.”
What is To Kill a Mockingbird?
Tinker v Des Moines
What case established student free speech in schools?
What is John?
What is an introduction of evidence used to claim the defendant was likely to act in a certain way because of their character?
Who are the Mock Trial deputy captains?
“Well, perhaps the laws of physics cease to exist on your stove. Were these magic grits?”
What is My Cousin Vinnie?
McCulloch v Maryland
What case established that the federal government had implied powers?
What is Neil?
What is the case this year?