Project Aware
Youth Education
Youth Programs
Outreach & Adult Ed

What do students take home after Project Aware to show their safe adults?

A coloring book!


How can someone sign up for a Youth Education presentation  (the person's name AND the email address)?

Contact Tyler Lumpkin at


The Youth Programs team facilitates what two school programs? (One for middle school, one for high school)

Green Dot - Middle School Program

Youth Led Prevention - High School Program


How many hours of training do volunteers need to receive before they can support survivors on Hospital Activations?

40 hours


This is the Ed Team's definition of Outreach

Outreach happens when we share information about MOCSA's services with an individual, organization, community group, school, or business.


How many safe adults do we ask students to name during Project Aware lessons?

Two! And if those adults don't believe them, they keep telling until someone does!


What are the other youth education presentations avaliable for elementary schools?

Project Aware, Sexual Harassment, & Healthy Relationships


This is the definition of a "Red Dot"

A choice/decision to hurt someone


What are the different ways people can volunteer at MOCSA?

As a Hospital Advocate
Answering the Crisis Line
Facilitatitng Project Aware
With Community Outreach
Speak on the Speakers Bureau


Who do you contact (the person's name AND the email address) to schedule a table event?

Contact Tyler Lumpkin


When do we say it might be ok for an adult to look private parts?

ONLY if they are trying to keep a young person "safe, clean, and healthy" when the young person can't do it themselves.

For example: A doctor or parent looking at/taking care of a rash or cut on the private parts of our body. Or to change a diaper of a baby.

Nobody has the right to look at or touch you in the private parts of your body if you don't want them to. And if you're uncomfortable you can say, "I'm uncomfortable, and I do not want you to look there"


This is the difference between Youth Education and Youth Programs work in schools.

Youth Education lessons are focused on awareness building and are done as one-off lessons in schools throughout our service area. Youth Programs lessons are prevention-focused, are done continuously throughout the school year, meeting with the same groups of students in our partner schools.


This is the purpose of the Green Dot Program

To teach middle school students how to step in as active bystanders to decrease bullying and dating violence at the school, creating a culture of support.


How many volunteers does MOCSA have? (will accept within a range of 25)



Where does the Education Team keep its materials for outreach?

The Ed Team Closet (on the corner across from Conference Room 22)

And if we run out of flyers and stickers there, we have extra materials on the 6th floor!


What is the name of the bird in the video we share with our Project Aware students?



Name two of the five Youth Education Lessons we provide to students (6th grade - Senior of high school)

Healthy Relationships
Safety in Relationships (formerly known as Dating Violence)
Gender Violence
Sexual Harassment
Consent & Sexual Assault


What do the D. O. & T. stand for in Green Dot?

Do Something Directly

Others Can Help

Talk About Something Else / Cause a Distraction


How does someone become a MOCSA Volunteer?

They apply online at We then interview them for 30-45 minutes. Accepted applicants complete our 40-hour training program both online and through a weekend training.


Name three of the four lessons we provide to adults

Child Sexual Assault Prevention
Supporting Survivors Lessons - includes consent & sexual assault information
Safe Bar
Stewards of Children


What are the three safety skills AND hand motions we teach students in Project Aware?

"Say No! Get Away! Tell Somebody!"

Say No = Hand up, telling someone to stop

Get Away = Thumb over the shoulder

Tell Someone = Cup hands over your mouth, as if yelling


What are MOCSA educators allowed to do if uncomfortable or feeling unsafe during a lesson?

They are allowed to end the lesson and leave.


These are three of the names of the Youth Program's six partner schools.

1. Brookside Charter

2. Guadalupe Centers (middle & high school)

3. Hogan Prep

4. Osage Trail Middle School

5. St. Elizabeth

6. University Academy (middle and high school)


This is the number of hours volunteers dedicated to MOCSA in 2023 (will accept an answer within 1,000 hours)



This is the number of events we have tabled at in 2024 (from Jan 2024-July 2024)

We've had 30 all day tabling events from January - July 2024 - That's A MONTH of tabling on top of all of our Ed programming!