Honesty, Accountability, Courage, Humility
What are the Virtues of Integrity.
Observe, Orient, Decide, Act
What are the 4 steps of an OODA loop?
Independent of what people think vs. dependent on what people think.
What is the difference between objective and subjective?
The 5 USAF core functions.
What are Air superiority, ISR, Global Mobility, Global Strike, and C2?
Ability to fulfill requirements of the mission.
What is readiness?
Duty, Loyalty, and Respect
What are the Virtues of Service Before Self
A follower who is an active participant and thinks critically.
What is an effective follower?
"Do we need to consider another point of view here?"
What is Breadth?
Provides Freedom of action in space
What is Combat Power Projection?
The 4 phases of AFFORGEN
What are Reset, Prepare, Ready, Commit?
Mission, Discipline, and Teamwork
What are the Virtues of Excellence in All We Do?
Doesn't like to rock the boat.
What is a survivor?
"Which idea or concept is more important?"
What is significance?
This is the basic level of Doctrine.
What are Lesson's Learned?
"Not now, can you come back later?"
What is Evade?
Character, Connection, Commitment, Courage
What are the 4 C's of the Space Force?
Independent, capable of high performance.
What is an alienated Follower?
Fast, instinctual, emotional decision making.
What is System 1?
Proactive and Reactive Operational Scheme of Maneuver
Conflict Management style that is Task and People Neutral.
What is Settle?
These characterize desired behaviors and characteristics that we must practice and demonstrate, displaying that Airmen are characterized by Leadership and Understanding of Airpower.
What are virtues and why are they important?
Active Participant, Uncritical Thinker
What is Yes People?
The two sources of conflict.
What are Organizational and Personal?
This defines AFFORGEN
What is a Sustainable, Capacity-driven model for presenting forces to Joint Force Commanders?
Take people's will, belief, thinking, and psychology as direct combat targets.
What are Cognitive Domain Operations?