What government branch has military authority?
Executive Branch
Five core functions of the USAF
Air Superiority, ISR, Rapid Global Mobility, Global Strike, Command and Control
What is SWOT?
Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats
What are the USAF Core Values?
Integrity, Service Before Self, Excellence in All We Do
What does Opsec mean?
Operational Security
What is the 3rd amendment?
No housing for soldiers, Courting Act
Five Core of the USSF
Space Security, Combat Power Projection, Space Mobility and Logistics, Information Mobility, Space Domain Awarness
What are four stages of growth?
Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing
What are the USSF core values?
Character, Courage, Commitment, Connection.
What is an adversary?
any entity with goals counter to your own
What are the three provisions?
Enumerated Powers, Separations of Powers, Federalism
What is AFFOGEN?
Air Force Force Generation (AFFOGEN)
5 Basics styles of Followership
Alienated, Effective, Survivors, Sheep & Yes People.
How virtues correlate with the core values?
Virtues are desired behaviors and characteristics that demonstrate the core values
what is critical information?
capabilities that the adversary seek in order to gain military advantage
What are your legal rights as an Officer?
Article 31
Space Force Generation
What is OODA Loop and PPSM Method? How are they different?
Observe, Orient, Decide, Act (OODA) & Practical Problem-Solving Method (PPSM)
OODA is short term action and PPSM is long term action
Expand on HACH, LDR, TDM for USAF core values
Honest, Accountability, Courage, Humility
Loyal, Duty, Respect
Teamwork, Decision Making, Mission
BONUS - What is a leader of character
Lives honorably, lift others, elevate others
What is the foundation of UCMJ?
Four Rotational AFFOGFEN Phases and four SPAFORGEN cycle
AFFOGEN (Reset, Prepare, Ready, Commit)
SPAFORGEN (Prepare, Ready Commit)
Expand on the eight full range leadership traits
Laissez faire: Absence of action
Transactional: Wait for things to go wrong
Transactional MBE: Intervenes at the earliest sign
Transactional Contingent Reward: Goal directed
Transactional Leadership Individual Counseling: Personal development towards others
Transformational Intellectual Stimulation: creative thinking of subordinates
Transformational Motivation: Does the talking and articulates the vision
Transformational Idealized Influence: credible and trustworthy
Act, Be accountable, Uphold
Give help, Encourage, Foster, Engage
Seek, Embrace, Audacious goals, Work, Facilitate, Learn
Risks, Innovate, Be steadfast, Share thoughts
Hardiness of Spirit, Resilience, Moral Courage, Physical Courage