Modals 1
Modals 2
Modals 3
Modals 4
Modals 5

Will you come to my birthday party tomorrow afternoon? I'm sorry but I ............. (come) because I have to look after my sister.

Will you come to my birthday party tomorrow afternoon? I'm sorry but I can't come because I have to look after my sister.


She ...........(can) sing like an angel when she was a child.

She could sing like an angel when she was a child.


“Children, you .............. (cross) the street if the lights are red !”

“Children, you MUSTN’T cross the street if the lights are red !”


You ............ (pay) to use the library. It's not necessary. It’s free.

You DON’T HAVE TO pay to use the library. It's not necessary. It’s free.


John doesn’t need a calculator. He ........ (do) sums in his head.

John doesn’t need a calculator. He CAN do sums in his head.


Dad .............(go) and see a doctor. His cough is getting worse all the time.

Dad SHOULD go and see a doctor. His cough is getting worse all the time.


A : Joe can’t open the door . Maybe he can’t remember where he put the key.

B : Joe can’t open the door. He ................ (lose) the key.

A : Joe can’t open the door . Maybe he can’t remember where he put the key.

B : Joe can’t open the door. He MAY HAVE LOST the key.


Jerry ...........(be) working today. He never works on Sundays.

Jerry CAN’T be working today. He never works on Sundays.


I’m not sure where my wife is at the moment. She ............... (be) at her dance class.

I’m not sure where my wife is at the moment. She MIGHT be at her dance class.


I ................ (pay) for the tickets because I got them from Sam for free.

I DON’T HAVE TO pay for the tickets because I got them from Sam for free.


The street is wet this morning. I'm not sure but it ............... (rain) last night.

The street is wet this morning. I'm not sure but it could/may/might have rained last night.


She ............ (be) stupid to go skiing here.

She can't be stupid to go skiing here.


You ............... (be) 18 to see that film.

You MUST be 18 to see that film.


You ................ (sit) so near the TV. It’s bad for your eyes.

You SHOULDN’T sit so near the TV. It’s bad for your eyes.


........... you mind helping me? (polite)

Would you mind helping me?


Bob ............... (be) at school because I haven't seen him all day.

Bob can't be/can't have been at school because I haven't seen him all day.


I'm afraid Ted is watching TV again. He ............... (watch) TV because his room is completely silent and dark. He ............... (sleep).

I'm afraid Ted is watching TV again. He can't be watching TV because his room is completely silent and dark. He must be sleeping.


A : I wonder if Jane remembers how to get here.

 B : Jane ............ (forget) how to get here.

A : I wonder if Jane remembers how to get here. 

B : Jane MAY HAVE FORGOTTEN how to get here.


........... I (open) the window? It's stuffy in here.

Shall I open the window? It's stuffy in here.


Bob .............. (at work) yesterday because he was home all day

Bob can't have been at work yesterday because he was home all day


Sally looks worried. She ............... (have) a problem with something.

Sally looks worried. She must have had a problem with something.


Timmy is a very good boy. He isn't naughty, so he ............... (break) that window. Somebody else .............. (break) it.

Timmy is a very good boy. He isn't naughty, so he can't have broken that window. Somebody else must have broken it.


We didn't help nature in the past, but we................ (do) something to save flora and fauna! 

We didn't help nature in the past. We can do something to save flora and fauna!


You ................ (not keep) her waiting. (It's not a good idea, advice on a specific situation, two words!)

You had better not keep her waiting. (It's not a good idea, advice on a specific situation, two words!)


A : We are going in the wrong direction. 

B : Yes, we ............... (miss) a turning.

A : We are going in the wrong direction. 

B : Yes, we MAY HAVE MISSED a turning.