Modal/Auxiliary verbs express....
ability, possibility, necessity, or permission?
Which modal verb expresses present ability?
Which modal verb is used to ask for permission politely?
Which modal verb expresses 100% certainty?
Fill in the blank
He ___ swim very well.
Which modal verb expresses past ability?
Which modal verb is stronger: ‘must’ or ‘should’?
Which modal verbs express possibility? (Name two)
'May' and 'might'
What are three common modal verbs
can, must, and should
Rewrite: 'I was able to finish the test early' using a modal verb
I could finish the test early
How do you use ‘have to’ in a negative sentence?
'don’t have to' to show that something is not necessary
Which sentence expresses a strong certainty?
Which modal verb is used to give advice?
Difference between 'can' and 'could'
Can is used for present ability, and could is used for past ability or polite requests
What modal verb is used to express prohibition?
'must not' or 'cannot'
Which modal verb means something is impossible?
What is the difference between 'must' and 'have to'
'Must expresses strong necessity or obligation from the speaker, while ‘have to’ often comes from external rules or laws'
Which modal verb is used to describe an ability in a hypothetical situation?
What’s the difference between ‘must not’ and ‘don’t have to’
'Must not means something is prohibited, while don’t have to means it is not necessary'
Rewrite this sentence using a modal verb: 'It is possible that she knows the answer.'
'She might know the answer.'