Which Modals?
Editing Errors
Modals & Similar Expressions (15)
Advisability in the Past (16)
Speculations & Conclusions (17)
Which two modals or similar expressions are used to express advice that is not urgent?
should, ought to
Ought to I go to the doctor?
Replace ought to with should.
Most evenings, Jennifer _____________________(ability) finish her homework in less than 15 minutes.
can or is able to
Roger forgot to buy a gift for his wife's birthday, and now she is upset. He __________________ (remember) to buy her a present.
should have remembered, ought to have remembered, could have remembered, or might have remembered
Jenna ___________________ (be) sick yesterday since she didn't come to work. (I'm not really certain about this because sometimes Jenna takes a day off to go shopping.)
may have been, might have been, or could have been
Which three modals or similar expressions are used to express a future possibility?
may, might, & could
She should of told me that she wasn't coming to class today.
Change of to have.
He _________________ (future possibility) move to Miami next year.
may, might, could
Jim drove to New York instead of taking the train, but he got stuck in a lot of traffic and also couldn't find a parking place. He _____________(ride) the train.
should have ridden, ought to have ridden, could have ridden or might have ridden
Nick ____________________(lose) over 50 pounds. He looks so thin now. (I am almost certain about this.)
must have lost or had to have lost
Which two modals or similar expressions may be used to express an almost 100% certain negative assumption. (when something is basically impossible)
can't and couldn't
Might you have lost your wallet while you were jogging?
Change might to could.
You _____________________ (urgent advice) close your car windows. There is a heavy rainstorm coming.
had better
Mary tried a new recipe for dinner when her parents were visiting. No one liked the meal. She _____________________(try) a new recipe when she had guests.
shouldn't have tried or ought not to have tried
The package that I was expecting ____________________ (arrive) today because I don't see a box sitting in front of my door. (I am slightly less than 100% certain about this.)
must not have arrived
Which three modals or similar expressions are used to express a present necessity in the affirmative?
have to, have got to, and must
Last year, he had got to take ESOL 042, ESOL 043, and ESOL 044.
Remove got.
Jim ________________ (almost 100% certain assumption) work long hours because I usually don't see him get home until after 9:00 every night.
must, has to, or has got to
Little Johnny was angry at his sister, so he bit her finger. Now he is punished and cannot watch his favorite cartoon. Johnny __________________(bite) his sister
shouldn't have bitten or ought not to have bitten
Mr. Johnson _____________________ (murder) his wife! He is a very nice man. (I believe this is impossible.)
couldn't have murdered
Which modal or similar expression is used to express an affirmative necessity in the past tense?
had to
I am 100% certain that she must not attend CCBC because she told me that she goes to Towson University.
Change must not to can't or couldn't
Sandra ______________________ (slightly less certain assumption) be planning to get married soon because she has not started shopping for her dress yet.
must not
After breakfast, Alex was still very tired, so he decided to lie down on the sofa for a few minutes before it was time to go to work. He fell asleep and was two hours late to work. He ___________________ (lie) down before work.
shouldn't have lain or ought not to have lain
____________________ he ______________________(shoot) her?
Could have shot