What's that terrible noise?  Maluma ________ be on stage right now. 

What's that terrible noise?  Maluma must be on stage right now.


He _____________ be a vegetarian. I have never seen him eating meat.

He must be a vegetarian. I have never seen him eating meat.


He's working full-time and studying for his Ph.D. That ________________ be easy.

He's working full-time and studying for his Ph.D. That must not/can't be easy.


You ________________ be right - but I'm going to check to make sure.

You might be right - but I'm going to check to make sure.


Do you think you _______ go to the summer camp if you save up enough money?

Do you think you might/may/can go to the summer camp if you save up enough money?


I'm sure she _________ be hungry now because she didn't have breakfast. 

I'm sure she must be hungry now because she didn't have breakfast.


She's won prizes for her research. She _______________ be really intelligent.

She's won prizes for her research. She must be really intelligent.


You haven't studied yet so you ____ be tired.

You haven't studied yet so you can't/must not be tired.


We're not sure if this painting is an original, but it ________________ be worth thousands of dollars.

We're not sure if this painting is an original, but it might be worth thousands of dollars.


Does anyone know where Sophie works? I’m not sure, I think it _______ be West London.

Does anyone know where Sophie works? I’m not sure, I think it might/could/may be West London.


He isn't working right now. He ______ watching the final World Cup match. 

He isn't working right now. He must be watching the final World Cup match.


You’re a zookeeper? That _____ very interesting.

You’re a zookeeper? That must be very interesting.


Really? He has to work on Christmas Day? He ______ feel very happy about that.

Really? He has to work on Christmas Day? He can’t/ must not feel very happy about that.


I ________________ not be able to go to the football game. It depends on whether I can get the afternoon off from work.

I might not be able to go to the football game. It depends on whether I can get the afternoon off from work.


You’ve been playing tennis in this hot sun for almost four hours. You _______ be thirsty!

You’ve been playing tennis in this hot sun for almost four hours. You must be thirsty!


He ______  be at the hospital because he isn't at home, but I'm not sure...

He might be at the hospital because he isn't at home but I'm not sure..


Come inside and get warm – you ____ be f_____  out there.

Come inside and get warm – you must be freezing out there.


It ______ be far away now. We’ve been driving for hours. Where’s the map?

It can’t be far away now. We’ve been driving for hours. Where’s the map?


You just ate a huge dinner! You ________________ be hungry again!

You just ate a huge dinner! You can't/must not be hungry again already!


She goes camping every weekend. She ________________ really love the outdoors.

She goes camping every weekend. She must really love the outdoors.


The phone is ringing! That _____ be Mum ______ from Bali! She told me she would call us once she got there.

That must be Mum phoning from Bali.


He ______ live near here because he comes to work on foot.

He must live near here because he comes to work on foot.


A: Did you hear that noise? I'm scared...

B: Relax. It _____ (not) be a burglar. All the doors and windows are locked. It ______ be the cat.

It can’t/must not be a burglar. All the doors and windows are locked. It might be the cat.


Wow - look at that diamond necklace. It ________________ cost a fortune.

Wow - look at that diamond necklace. It must cost a fortune.


He worked hard on his report, then accidentally deleted the file from his computer. He ________________ be upset.

He worked hard on his report, then accidentally deleted the file from his computer. He must be upset.