Who runs the committee?
Which country has the biggest population?
What does UNEP do?
Protect the environment
What is the proper way to address the chair?
What are multiple chairs called?
Which country has the biggest GDP?
United States
What is the basic assembly of the UN
General Assembly (GA)
What is dress code for most MUN conferences?
Western business attire
How do you motion for a moderated caucus?
"Motion for a x:y on [topic]"
What percent of the US GDP is spent on defense?
What does UNODC stand for?
United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime
What is the purpose of a position paper?
outlines a country stance, policy, proposed solution
What does "Point of Inquiry" mean?
Which country exports the most coffee?
What is UNHRC
United Nations Human Rights Council
What happens if you violate diplomatic courtesy?
Warning, loss of participation privileges, even expulsion from the conference
How do you ask for the bathroom?
"Point of Personal Privilege, can I use the bathroom?"
Who are the 5 permanant members on the Security Council?
China, France, Russia, UK, US
Where was Model UN founded?
In UC Berkely
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