Drama in the Assembly
The National Friend-Zone
Whose Placard is it?
Disunited Nations
History of the United Nations

In 2017 this leader's first Address to the United Nations General Assembly diverged from the typical UN speech by vowing to "totally destroy North Korea," saying Kim Jong Un was a "Rocket Man on a Suicide Mission."

Who is Donald Trump?


Although its very debatable, most Americans recognize this country as our best friend, sharing everything from a language, to celebrities, and to sports leagues. 

What is Canada?


This nation's placard has a yellow, blue, and red flag, and calls itself a "Bolivarian Republic."

What is Venezuela?


Unsurprisingly, this country, the country that holds the record for most wars declared, is the same one who holds the record for creating the most independence days around the world.

What is the United Kingdom (Will accept Britain)


The United Nations was founded in this year, almost as soon as World War II Ended.

When is 1945?


It took this leader nearly 40 years in power to finally make his UN General Assembly debut, and when he did, he spoke for 100 minutes, railing against the Security Council, calling for an investigation of the US invasion of Iraq, and advocating for the partition of Switzerland.

Who is Muammar Gaddafi?


With a 92% voting coincidence in the General Assembly, these two Asian nations are the ones who have voted the same way the most.

What are China and North Korea?


There are two countries in the United Nations that are officially called "realms" on their placards. One is New Zealand, and the other is this Scandinavian country.

What is Denmark?


Venezuela isn't the only South American country mired in controversy. This country is primarily controversial due to the antics of its President, Javier Milei. 

What is Argentina?

Apart from potentially its charter, the most important document in United Nations history was signed in 1948, and is still used as the United Nations moral standards.
What is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

This Soviet leader took offense to comments from a Filipino delegate about human rights in the Soviet Union, and so responded by taking off his shoe, and repeatedly banging the table to silence the delegate. In the middle of the General Assembly.

Who is Nikita Kruschev?


Even though these two countries divorced in the Velvet Revolution, it was very amicable, with both nations calling the other their best friend.

What are Czechia and Slovakia?


This nation's placard is the only one in the assembly that has a dragon on its flag (discounting the extremely small dragon in the corner of Malta's seal), and calls itself a Kingdom.

What is Bhutan?


These two West African nations have had a bitter rivalry over who created the famous dish "jollof rice," only for UNESCO to declare Senegal the creator of that dish.

What are Ghana and Nigeria?


Arguably one of its greatest achievements, this feat was accomplished by the World Health Organization in 1980, which saw the eradication of one of the deadliest diseases in human history.

What is the eradication of small-pox?


When Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to the assembly about Iran's nuclear program, he used a diagram that looked like this cartoonish device (usually used by Wile E. Coyote) to illustrate Iran's intentions.

What is a bomb with a fuse? (Will accept just bomb)


Although Lithuania might disagree, most Poles think that this country is Poland's best friend. They share a religion, right-wing governments, and were the same country from 1370-1382, and from 1440-1444.

What is Hungary?


Despite losing their civil war to an islamist insurgency, this nation, whose placard says "Islamic Republic" and bears a black, red, and green flag, is still represented in the United Nations rather than the current government.

What is Afghanistan?


With 30 wars fought between them, these two European countries hold the world record for most wars fought between two countries. Now though, they are mostly known for their fondness of building.  

What are Denmark and Sweden?


Many people know the Security council has 5 permanent members, but since 1965, it also has this many rotating members, who are elected every year.

What is 10?


This leader opened his 2006 speech by saying "Yesterday, the devil came here — right here. And it smells of sulfur still today," in reference to United States President George W. Bush's speech the day before.

Who is Hugo Chavez


With the longest running military alliance in world history, dating back to 1386, these two nations know they can count on each other (even though one of them stayed neutral in both world wars).

What are Portugal and the United Kingdom (Accept what is the Anglo-Portuguese Alliance)?


This country's placard, with a red, yellow, and green flag, is the only one in the world to call itself a "Plurinational Republic."

What is Bolivia?


Surprisingly, the nation that votes with the United States the least is not North Korea, but instead this Central American nation, with a measly voting coincidence rate of 21%.

What is Nicaragua?


These two conferences during World War II saw the leaders of the United Kingdom, United States, and the Soviet Union, come together and formulate the idea of the United Nations.

What are the Moscow and Tehran conferences?