Transtheoretical Model
Ecological Model
Health Belief Model

True or False:

During the contemplation stage in this model, the individual has no intention to change their behavior in the near future


Within 6 months The individual will attempt to make a change 


A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity is a definition of what?



Define what community factors are 

Surrounding community, networks, norms and standards between organizations 


The risk of completing the action is not going to outweigh the potential benefits

Perceived barriers


Define the termination stage of this model

The unhealthy behavior is no longer desirable and the individual will not go back to their old ways 


What are the five listed social determinants of health? 

Economic stability, social and community context, neighborhood and built environment, education access and quality, healthcare access and quality


List the five levels of this model in order

1. Individual 

2. Relationship

3. insitutional 

4. community

5. Societal


The outcome of this action will lead to a positive outcome

Perceived benefits 


At what stage of this model are you not considering to make any health change?

Pre contemplation: the individual does not see that there is a problem 


Lack of healthcare insurance, consistent primary care providers, recommendations for healthcare services, and lack of nearby medical facilities is an example of what social determinant of health?

Health care access and quality 


Define the individual level of this model 

focuses on changing the individual not the surrounding environment

(knowledge, beliefs, attitude) 


Self-efficacy plays an important role in an individuals belief that they can complete the action. List three ways that the nurse could potentially help the individual 

Goal setting

positive reinforcement

properly instructing the individual on how to complete the task

demonstrate intended goal 


At which stage of this model are you considering both the benefits and negative aspects of the intended health change?



Decreasing pollutants, Creating safer walkways, reduced crime rates, and increased percentage of people drinking safe water are soLutron’s to which social determinant?

Neighborhood and environment 


Define the relationship factor and provide two examples 

Personal relationships that influence health

Examples: family, friends 


Define perceived susceptibility 

The individual believes that they are at risk for the condition or illness  


In order list the stages of this model 

1. Precontemplation

2. Contemplation

3. Preparation 

4. Action

5. Maintenance

6. Termination


What is the goal of the education access and quality determinant? 

To increase educational opportunities and help children and adolescents do well in school 


Define the societal factors

Laws and regulations put in place to regulate health behaviors 

Can be state, local, or federal 


What are the six components of the health belief model?

Perceived severity, perceived susceptibility, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, cues to action, self-efficacy