Civil Rights
Grab Bag
Major Changes

New agricultural technology had this effect on the people of Georgia.

What is the population moved from rural areas to urban areas where there were new job opportunities.


Refused service at his restaurant choosing to close it rather than serve African Americans.

Who is Lester Maddox?


This mayor oversaw the the expansion of Hartfield airport to an international airport and support the creation of MARTA. In addition, he expanded the involvement of minority own businesses in state contracts.

Who is Maynard Jackson?


The Georgian created a Dept. of Corrections to reform our prison system and changed the voting age from 21 to 18.

Who was Ellis Arnall?


Deepening the port of Savannah has lead to Georgia becoming a leader in _______________.

What is international trade?


Jobs moved to urban areas following WWII because of these reasons.

What is the GI bill, new farming technology, and new manufacturing jobs?


A committee that recommended that each school district determine whether or not they would desegregate and at what speed.

What is the Sibley Commission?


This man was mayor of Atlanta, worked with MLK, and was an ambassador to the United Nations for the USA.

Who was Andrew Young?


This man ran again for Governor in 1946 promising to restore the white primary system but died before taking office.

Who is Eugene Tallmadge?


The expansion of this new industry in Georgia has led to economic growth especially in South Atlanta and employs over 1000's of Georgians.

What is the film industry?


Tourists started coming to Atlanta and Georgia following this event.

What is the Olympic games?


A civil rights leader who believed that the movement was greater than the value of their individual lives.

Who was Martin L. King, Jr.?


These two mayors worked together to bring the Olympic games to Atlanta.

Who are Andrew Young and Maynard Jackson?


MLK believed the Albany Movement was a failure because ______________.

The movement did not receive a lot of media attention and ended peacefully without any changes occurring.


The CCC in Georgia improved ____________ in the state.

What are state parks?


The Olympic games created this change in Atlanta.

What is an increase in the population?


In 1956, Georgia adopted a new flag as a symbol of resistance against __________________.

What was the Supreme Court's ruling in Brown vs. the Board of Education?


Ivan Allen Jr. made what major change to the city of Atlanta.

What is bringing major league sports to the city?


This segregationist while governor appointed more African Americans to government position than any other prior governor.

Who is Lester Maddox?


The increase in immigrants to the state of Georgia from all over the world has seen an increase in ______________________.

What is an increase in immigrant owned restaurants, churches, and businesses adding to Georgia's economy.


This man was a supporter in the US Senate of the military, the location of the CDC in Atlanta, and was opposed to the Civil Rights Movement.

Who is Richard Russell?


This movement brought changes to the education system, changes to the voting rights of African Americans, and increased the number of African Americans in public office.

What is the Civil Rights Movement?


Under both Mayors Hartsfield and Allen ____________ made political and economic gains.

What is African Americans?


Jimmy Carter was received criticism while President for these reasons. 

What is weakening economy, inflation, Boycott of the Olympic games held in Russia, and the Iran hostiages?


The immigrant community has this positive effect on the workforce of Georgia.

What is strengthening the workforce by filling and creating jobs and new businesses?