Dates and pull factors
Australia's Involvement
Important Battles
Values, beliefs and ideas

What were the dates of the Vietnam War?

November 1955 to April 1975


Who was Ho Chi Minh?

A Vietnamese communist who served as Prime Minister of North Vietnam


When did Australia enter the Vietnam War?



What was the most renowned battle of the war that involved Australia?

The Battle of Long Tan

What does SEATO stand for?

Sout East Asia Treaty Organisation


When did America get involved in the Vietnam War?

November 1954


What US President was the first to send troops to Vietnam?

President Eisenhower


When were the first combat troops deployed to Vietnam?

June 1965


What date did the Battle of Long Tan take place?

18 August 1966


What does ANZUS stand for?

Australia, New Zealand and United States


Name at least 3 factors that contributed to the Vietnam War.

fear of communism, long history of French occupation, Japan withdrawing troops after WWII, The Cold War, The Domino Theory, SEATO Treaty was signed, America trained the South Vietnamese and provided weapons, The Geneva Conference, Viet Cong formed


Who was Ngo Dinh Diem?

A strongly anti-communist who became President of South Vietnam after Bao Dai


When did conscription occur for the Vietnam War?  When were the first conscripts sent to Vietnam?

1964 under the National Service Scheme - first conscripted troops landed in 1966


What occurred during the Mai Lai Massacre?

American soldiers killed in excess of 500 unarmed civilians


What are at least 3 tenets of communism?

absence of private property, no social classes, all wealth is communally owned, everybody benefits from everybody's work, no inheritance, centralisation of all banking


What were Australia's reasons for getting involved?

Greatly concerned about communism, Australia was keen to support allies, both ANZUS Treaty and SEATO obligations needed to be met


Who was Robert Menzies?

Prime Minister of Australia responsible for the initial sending of troops to Vietnam and the reintroduction of compulsory national service


When was the first Australian moratorium and where was it held?

May 1970 - Sydney and Melbourne


What happened in the Battle of Khe Sanh?

The US soldiers were under siege and the battle lasted for seven months.  Over 274 US soldiers died and many more were wounded.  Australian involved came through RAAF and airborne support.


What are at least 4 tenets of capitalism?

free market, private ownership and inheritance, tiered class system, competition, needs democracy, division of labour, minimal government intervention


When did the Fall of Saigon occur?  What did this battle signify?

30 April 1975 and was the end of the Vietnam War


Who was Gough Whitlam?

The last of Australia's prime ministers during the Vietnam War - responsible for ending our involvement


When did Australia's participation in the Vietnam War officially end?

January 1973


What occurred during the TET Offensive?

Was a major escalation in the war, was the largest military campaign.  Was a series of surprise attacks across many areas throughout South Vietnam on a particular day and was supposed to destabilise and was a military defeat for North Vietnam.


What are at least 3 tenets of nationalism?

each nation should govern itself, be self-determined (no outside influence), nation is the only rightful source of political power, should foster independence, tolerance, active civic engagement, justice, respect, human rights, transparency - national identity, national autonomy and national unity