kind of goverment
Divam's pick
which president in chile suspended the constitution, and imposed censorship. while also banning political parties.
What is Augusto Pinochet
which was latin americas,succeses story
What is Cost Rica
what are the three different kinds of countries wealthy wise
What is 1st world 2cd world and third world
in political, philosophies and spectrum they are two groups they are ?
What is conservatives and liberals
in chile which Centrist worked for women’s rights and is now the Current president of Chile
What is Michelle Bachelet
in Cuba, there is a base for military prisoners, mostly terrorism suspects. what is the name of the place
What is Guantamo Bay
which kind of country is vounerable, desperate and is helpless so has Communism. and what kind is it.
What is 3rd world countries and it means manny people are poor and inexperienced
which was a country in latin america that a corrupt and unstable government. also what was the only latin american country that had a tolerate government?
What is Hati was unstable and Costa Rico had a tolerate govement
Colonel Juan Perón did what what when he was president of Argentina
What is Introduced social reforms to the country
venezuela was the first in the W.hemesiphere to join what? Also cause it was the first to join the company it's biggest natural resource since the 60s is what?
What is OPEC(Org. of Petroleum exporting to countries) and oil
in colombia which county spent 4 billion $ so that the drug war would stop and not hurt anyone.
What is the united states
which county in latin america has a government that is working to develop new industries, and use the profits to help the poor.
What is Colombia
who organized a group to try to take over Fulgencio Batista
Fidel Castro
which mexicain Became famous for his paintings. of murals of Mexico’s history.
What is Diego Rivera
what is the poorest county in the W.hemesphere and what islands is part of .
What is Hati and hispaniola
what was a coupe d etat and in venezuala who did two
What is a coupe d etat is were a person violently over throughs a president and then becomes a president. Hugo Chaves was the pesone who did two coup d etat