Who was the dummer for Led Zeppelin?
Who is John Bonham?
What is Austin Moon's middle name in Austin & Ally?
What is Monica?
Which country does Forrest Gump travel to as part of the All-American Ping-Pong Team?
What is China?
Finish the quote: "You nicknamed my daughter after the...?"
What is "the loch ness monster"?
Who coined the terms "kit-bashing" and "greeble"? (used in the context of model-making, where it refers to the small details that add realism and visual quality to models.)
Who is George Lucas?
What is the Slytherin ghost's name in Harry Potter?
What is the Bloody Baron?
This actor played Tej Parker in The Fast and The Furious and is also featured in what popular song with Justin Bieber?
What is "Baby"?
How many live action Star Wars series are there?
What is 7?
What were the names of the three casinos they robbed in Ocean's 11?
What are the Bellagio, the Mirage, and the MGM Grand?
What was the first Stephen King novel to be adapted into a movie?
What is Carrie?
What is the third longest movie ever made?
What is Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (extended version)?
What book did Oppenheimer get inspiration for his famous quote: "Now I am become Death, the Destroyer of worlds"?
What is The Bhagavad Gita?