The assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand
What started World War 1?
robert fulton
who invented the steamboat
when did the slavery start
planting gardens, canning food, buying used bread and using cardboard and cotton for shoe soles.
How did people survive in the Great Depression?
Vladimir Putin
who is the president of russia
The Allies
Who is the winner of the World War?
Eli Whitney
who invented the cotton gin
The first 130 years the Portuguese dominated the transatlantic slave trade
who was the principal countries of slavery
August 1929
when did start The Great Depression
worsening the squeeze on household incomes
how did the war in Ukraine affect the Uk economy
Austria-hungary Germany France Empire of japan Britain Italy Kingdom of romania Ottoman Empire Bulgaria Belgium United States Serbia
countries who begin in world war 1
Great Britain
Who started the Industrial Revolution?
Brazil and British American
which country received the most slaves from africa
12,830,000 people
how many people were unemployed during the great depression
Russia's military capabilities outnumbered those of Ukraine
What country is stronger, Russia or Ukraine?
40 Million
how many people died in ww1
The Watt Steam Engine
What was the most important invention of the Industrial Revolution
President Abraham Lincoln
who made the slave free
America's involvement in the Second World War resulted in the drafting of young men into military service.
how did the great depression end
February 24, 2022
when did Russia invade Ukraine
Germany's resumption of submarine attacks on passenger and merchant ships in 1917
why did united state join in ww1?
18th century
when did the industrial revolution start
13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Abolition of Slavery (1865) National Archives.
when did the slavery end
President Franklin D. Roosevelt's
Who saved the Great Depression?
Volodymyr Zelenskyy
who is the leader of Ukraine