French Revolution
Industrial Revolution
The divine right to rule will be challenged by what new enlightened belief?
the right to rule comes from the consent of the people
After King Louis XVI moved troops into Paris and Versailles, the French citizens responded by storming which government building?
The Bastille.
This was the first major industry that became industrialized (used machines).
textile industry
What are the two main functions of a colony?
Provide raw materials and new markets to the mother country
What was one of the main causes of the Enlightenment?
Scientific Revolution
Enlightened philosophers attempted to apply scientific knowledge and __________ to the issues of government and law.
What was the pledge that the members of the National Assembly took that they would write a constitution for France?
The Tennis Court Oath
Which of the following is not a characteristic of a (mixed) market economy? 1. private ownership of property 2. profit motive 3. factors of production are owned by the government 4. competition is encouraged 5. prices determined by supply and demand
factors of production are owned by the government
What belief by John Locke influenced the American colonists to revolt against England?
If a government is not protecting natural rights (life,liberty,property), that government deserves to be overthrown.
What is an agreement in which the people appoint a government for protection?
social contract
In 1789, King Louis XVI called for a parliamentary meeting of the three estates, the first since 1614. What was this meeting called?
Estates General
The idea that Individuals must have freedom to struggle, succeed, or fail on their own. Also called "Survival of the Fittest"
Social Darwinism
British trained Indian soldiers who rebelled in 1857 were called?
The unique cultural identity of a people based on common language, religion, and national symbols is called?
What represents one of Montesquieu’s primary influences on the U.S. Constitution and the formation of the U.S. government?
Separation of Powers and/or Checks and Balances
The cause of most of the riots by the peasants
food shortages, increase in taxes, and increase in food prices
Identify at least two reasons why the Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain.
1. Increased food supply thanks to new farming equipment and techniques 2. Population growth led to larger labor supply 3. Capital (money) to invest 4. Abundance of natural resources 5. Markets to purchase finished goods
How many times was Napoleon defeated and where was the last place that he was defeated?
He was defeated twice and the last place was at Waterloo.
What action by the leaders of the French Revolution demonstrates that they were influenced by Enlightenment ideas?
they called for the fall of the absolute monarchy
What was another name for the Radical Phase of the French Revolution and why?
The "Reign of Terror" because of the amount of bloodshed and executions
What was one positive and one negative effect of the Industrial Revolution?
Positive: Increased efficiency, more products and variety at good prices, growth of middle class and leisure activities, overall increase in life expectancy (except some working class), economies grew; Negative: pollution, child labor, exploitation of working class, increasing gap between poor and wealthy, start of imperialism (?)
What group had control over Indian economics until the mid 1800s and what group had control after? Why was there a change?
British East India Trading Company; British Govt (British Raj); Sepoy rebellion
A philosophical view that calls for businesses to have little or no interference from the government? What English economist is credited with this view? According to this economist, prices in a (mixed) market economy will be set by what economic rule?
What is laissez-faire. Who is Adam Smith. What is supply and demand.