What is the main character's job?
He is a screenwriter
What is the name of the protagonist?
Name one of the jobs Hemingway had during his life
Where does the story take place?
In Dublin, Ireland
Which country is the soldier from in "The Soldier"?
Where does Nick and Gatsby live?
West Egg
Name at least three of his hobbies
Fishing, hunting, writing, boxing, sailing, flying, ...
How many full stops are in the text we read in class?
One (at the very end)
How many of the three poets we read died during the war?
Who does Hemingway refer Gil to when he needs help with his novel?
Gertrude Stein
Who wrote "The Great Gatsby"?
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Explain the Iceberg Theory
The reader has to look between the lines of the text to get the complete understanding
Which classic work is the book based on?
Homer's Odyssey
Who were the poems written to?
The soldiers' families
Who does Gil walk with in the rain, in the last scene?
Who killed Gatsby?
What was the name of the boy in the short story "Indian Camp"?
Nick (Adams)
From whose point of view is this part of the story told?
Molly (Bloom)
What does "Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori" mean?
It is a sweet and seemly thing to die for your country
What is the name of Paul's wife?
Where did Gatsby first meet or see Nick?
In Europe during The Great War
For which novel was Hemingway awarded the Pulitzer Prize?
The Old Man and the Sea
Where was Joyce living when he wrote the book?
In Paris
What are the names of the three poems we read?
The Soldier, Dulce et Decorum Est, Base Details