Women's Stories
Conflict and Violence
Identifying Countries

Through excessive talking, and bringing repressed ideas into consciousness, Freud uncovered this patient's deep fear of castration. 

Who is the Wolf-Man?


In the 19th Century, it fueled ethnic hatred and Anti-Semitism, and often led to physical violence. 

What is Militant Nationalism?


In the 19th Century, women who went to work, attended universities or pursued careers were labeled with this word. 

What is the word "modern"?


One famed criminologist and eugenicist (Eugenics) used this word to describe what he called "lower types of people." 

What is an orangutan? 


In the 1890's, this country had a song written that offered comfort to babies, saying that while mother was never around, Father was "near."

What is the country of Britain?


If you can find significance in a dog drooling because it hears the sound of a bell that reminds him of dinner, then you may have studied the work of this Russian physiologist? 

Who is Ivan Pavlov?


Scared by growing populations in urban areas and in tenement buildings, followers of this "Ism" began to warn people about "racial decay."

What is Social Darwinism?


This is an old-fashioned term for "birth control," which was condemned by Anglican bishops as being "demoralizing."

What is "family limitation"?


Analyses from psychohistory claim that the blind worship of these two dictators showed that their followers had mass psychic needs and traumas. 

Who are Hitler and Mussolini?


In 1884, this country legalized divorce and made it both less costly and less difficult to obtain one.

What is the country of France?


This mayor of Vienna called Jews the "sucking vampire" of modernity, and said they were to blame for the tumult of migration? 

Who is Karl Lueger? 


If you felt like your mind or your country was in decline, followers of this "Ism" would suggest that you help your country build up the empire! Or...have more kids. 

What is Social Darwinism?


Plagued by corruption, Italy tried for a second time, in 1896, to conquer this country on the eastern side of Africa. 

What is Ethiopia? 


This movement arose in the early 20th Century, as Europeans struggled to put down rebellions against their rule in Africa.

What is the Pan-African Movement? 


Plagued by corruption, Italy tried for a second time, in 1896, to conquer this country on the eastern side of Africa.

What is Ethiopia?


This actress was the co-founder of the Irish National Theater, which took Irish politics into everyday life, by opposing British to gain the loyalty of young people. 

Who is Maud Gonne? 


This "Ism" emphasized, or focused on, the permanent nature of fundamental laws, and it motivated those who wanted to "perfect legislation." 

What is Positivism?


Women of this four-letter organization in Britain began a campaign of violence in 1909, blowing up railroad stations and slashing works of art. 

What is the Women's Social and Political Union? 

According to the text, it was persecution from THESE enforcers who drove some political parties to operate in exile. 

Who are The Police? 


The government of this country only allowed a very limited number of men to vote. They also imprisoned activists in 1905, and outlawed opposing political parties. 

What is the country of Russia? 


She pressured her own elected representatives for women's right to vote, and participated in congresses for suffrage...but not on our side of the Atlantic. 

Who is Millicent Garrett Fawcett? 


Many women were inspired towards this Ism after reading a book about putting down weapons, by a woman who would later go on to win the Nobel Peace Prize. 

What is Pacifism? 


Women of this "class" tended to distrust middle-class women, and saw suffrage as less important than women's economic concerns? 

What is the working class? 


In a wave of protests, urban workers in these two industrial cities in Italy demanded change to suffrage laws. Instead, they were given social welfare programs. 

What are the cities of Turin and Milan?


Alfred Dreyfus was publicly humiliated, his ribbons and insignia torn off his body, his sword broken before him in front of a screaming mob...all because he had been accused of spying for what country? 

What is the country of Germany?