Diagnostic Imaging
Definintion of ROM Def of Joint Range Def of Functional Excursion
What is 1) movement of Body segment 2)Flex, Abd, add, etc. 3)Distance that a ms. is capable of shortening after its been elongated to its maximum
List types of Diagnostic Imaging
What is Diagnostic radiography (xray) Computed Tomography (CAT Scans) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Nuclear Medicine Ultrasound Bone scanes
Def of Pharmacokinetics
What is the rate at which drug concentrations accumulate and are eliminated from various organs of the body
The unpleasant sensory and emotional experiences of actual or potential tissue damage or experience expressed in such terms
What is definition of Pain?
2 major types of Aging
What is Primary aging- normal changes with passage of time Secondary aging- Result of changes in environment, nutrition, disease etc. aging = loss of homeostasis and body attempt to bring back to balance
Reasons for decreased Rom
What is 1)Systemic Disease 2)Joint Disease 3)Muscular Disease 4)Surgical Insults 5)Traumatic Insults 6)inactivity or immobilization
List ABC's of Reviewing X-rays
What is A-Alignment B-Bone Density C-cartilage Space S-soft tissue
4 ways drugs cross membranes
What is diffusion facilitated diffusion passive diffusion Pinocytosis/Endocytosis
Classifications of Pain
What is Acute- complex set of unpleaseant sensory, perceptual, and emotional experiences and certain associated autonomic, pyschologica, emotional and behavioral respones Chronic- pain lasting 1 month beyond usual course of acute disease, or more than 3 months Chronic Persistant-pain related to an ongoing disease process Acute Recurring-pain off and on for periods of time with no pain in between Chronic Pain Syndrome-persistant , intractable pain out of the proportion to the known underlying disease process Breakthrough Pain- acute pain ocurrin in adition to chronic constant pain, either provoked or unprovoked
4 major theories of aging
What is Genetic- mechanisms of aging located in nucleus of all cells Hayflick limit theory- limited number of oppurtunity for cell to duplicate so aging intrinsic to all Redundant DNA Theory- Limited oppurtunity to repair DNA Non genetic- focus on out side of cell when cells come together to become organs Free radical theory- positve ion potential to be highly reactive and causes disruption in body Autoimmune theory-decreased ability of t cells to function
What are indications for AROM, AAROM, PROm
What is 1) Arom-Pt. able to actively contract ms. withou assistance 2)Prom-Pt. unable to move a segment, pt. not supposed to move a segment,evaluate inert structures, teach an active ex. plane 3)AAROM-same as ARom but pt. unable to get through ROM w/o assistance, Pt. has weak ms. (grade 2-3 -)
What is diffence between Diagnostic Imaging
What is X-Ray-excellent for indicating Fx due to xrays get through bone and expose receptor but have increased radiation, and slow Cat Scan-merges x ray with comp ( circular scanner) comp uses geometry to reconstruct image ( more expensive) uses for more 3-d imaging required MRI-Similar to CTs, images are slices, uses for soft tissue detail, dislocations, changes in bone marrow Pet scans-positron emission tomagraphy uses tracers such as radioactiv glucose to view metabalism of cells Diagnostic US- uses US ( reflected us waves) to generate images through mechanical images. needs things to be distinguished between hyperechoic and hypoechoic
Phases of Pharmaco Kinetics
What is 1) Administation ( enteral, Parenteral) 2)absorption/distrubution(bioavailability) 3)Metabolism 4) Excretion
What are the Pain terms
What is Nociceptive Pain- arises form stim of specific pain receptors. these responses respond to heat, cold, vibration, stretch, and chemical stimuli released from damaged cells Non-Nociceptive pain- arises from within peripheral and CNS. Specific receptros do not exist here with pain being generated by nerve cell dysfunction
what are four components of Aging
What is Biological-Changes in bio Chronological- time with birthdate Pyschological-sensory, learning , etc Sociological- changes in roles, stats, etc.
What are contraindications for AROM, AAROM, PROM
What is Immediately following a tear to a ligament, tendon, or ms. in the region of an unhealed fracture Immediately following surgical procedures to tendon, ligaments, ms., jt. capsules, or skin
Explain the Scotty Dog Picture
What is The Eye- pedicale The ear-superior facet The front leg-inferior facet the tail-contralateral superior facet the back leg-contralateral inferior facet the neck-pars articularis
certain enzyme inhibitors to look for
What is cigarette smoke, cruciferous vegatables ( hasten drug metabolism) Grapefruit juice acts to inhibit P450 enzymes , limiting drug metabolism, can lead to drug toxicity
Characteristics of Visceral pain
What is Stretch, inflamation, and oxygen starvation receptors activated poorly localized, vague deep ache, can be cramping. Produces reffered pain to lower back (pelvci) mid back(abdominal) upper back (thoracic)
3 Pyschological Theories of agin
What is development theory- Aging starts when born and progresses through lifespan disenagagement theory-as 1 ages , decrease in intrest in social systems is seen Activity theory- old age time for fulfilment , age of wisdom
Limitations of ROM
What is Prom: may be difficult when the ms. is innerveated and pt. is concious; will not prevent atrophy, increase strength or endurance, assist circulation
What is on the Diagnostic Imaging Report?
What is 1) time of exaam 2)Name of pt. and other indentifiers 3)name of referring physician 4)history 5)name or type of examination
Types of Variation in effects of drugs and metabolism
What is Genetic Factors Disease Drug interactions Age Diet Gender Environment Excercise
Gate control Theory of Pain Modualtion
What is severity of the pain sensation is determined by the the balance of exicitatory and inhitory intputs to the T cells in the spinal cord. Excitatory input from c and A-delta nociceptor afferents Inhibatory input from Substantia gelatinosa from large A-beta non nociceptor sensory afferents
effects of excercies on aging
What is most detrimental effects of aging are slowed or reversed see slides