Text Structure
Central Idea
Character Inference
Literary Elements

This type of text structure explains the steps in a process or the order in which events happen. What is it?

Sequence/ Chronological Order


The forest was so dense that it was hard to see the sun through the thick canopy of trees. Using context clues, what does dense mean?

Thick or tightly packed


Many animals prepare for winter in different ways. Some animals, like bears, hibernate, sleeping through the cold months. Others, like squirrels, gather food and store it to survive the winter. Some birds migrate to warmer areas, flying hundreds or even thousands of miles.

What is the central idea of this paragraph?

animals use different methods to survive the winter


In the story, Maya stayed up all night studying for her test. The next day, she could barely keep her eyes open during class, and she yawned repeatedly. What can you infer about how Maya is feeling?

Maya is feeling tired or exhausted


What are the people or animals in a story?



In this text structure, the similarities and differences between two or more things are explained. What is it?

Compare and Contrast


The magician's trick was so mystifying that the audience couldn't figure out how it was done. Using context clues, what does mystifying mean?

confusing or puzzling


Exercise is important for staying healthy. It helps strengthen your muscles and improves your heart. In addition, regular exercise can boost your mood and give you more energy throughout the day.

What is the central idea of this paragraph?

exercise is important for physical and mental health


Jake clenched his fists and stomped out of the room when his little brother broke his video game. What can you infer about how Jake is feeling?

Jake is feeling angry or frustrated


Mega Jeopardy!

800 points

What is the name of the famous gum brand that shares its name with a number? 

Hint: It's Mr. Perez's favorite gum!

5 Gum


This type of structure shows how one event leads to another. What is it?

Cause and Effect


The eager puppy wagged its tail and jumped up and down, excited to see its owner. Using context clues, what does eager mean?

excited or enthusiastic


Recycling helps reduce waste and protect the environment. By recycling materials like paper, plastic, and metal, we can conserve resources and decrease pollution. Many communities have programs that make recycling easy for people to participate in.

What is the central idea of this paragraph?

recycling is beneficial for the environment


When the teacher called on Olivia, she spoke quietly and avoided looking at the other students. What can you infer about how Olivia is feeling?

Olivia is feeling shy or nervous


What is the place a story happens called?



In this text structure, a conflict or issue is presented along with one or more ways to fix it. What is it?

Problem and Solution


Even though the task seemed daunting at first, she tackled it step by step and finished it with ease. Using context clues, what does daunting mean?

intimidating or difficult


The sun is a star that provides light and heat to our planet. It is essential for life on Earth because it helps plants grow, which provides food and oxygen. Without the sun, Earth would be too cold for living things to survive.

What is the central idea of this paragraph?

the sun is essential for life on Earth


After losing the race, Carlos smiled and congratulated the winner. What can you infer about Carlos' personality?

Carlos is a good sport or gracious


Main problem, or conflict, the character resolves throughout the story


In order to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, you need three main ingredients: bread, peanut butter, and jelly. First, spread the peanut butter on one slice of bread. Next, spread the jelly on the other slice. Finally, put the two slices together and enjoy your sandwich! 

What type of text structure is this?



The artist's intricate design had so many tiny details that people had to look closely to appreciate all the work. Using context clues, what does intricate mean?

detailed or complex


Honeybees play a crucial role in pollinating plants. As they collect nectar from flowers, they transfer pollen, which helps plants reproduce. Without bees, many crops would not be able to grow and produce food.

What is the central idea of this paragraph?

honeybees are important for pollination and plant reproduction


Whenever a storm came, Max would grab a flashlight and his favorite blanket, hiding under his bed until it passed. What can you infer about how Max feels during storms?

Max is scared or afraid of storms


The things that happen throughout the story
